But, many are certain that we can exist in much greater 'prosperity' via a resource type economy. As goes socialist Sweden so goes socialist USA after them. And the fractional reserve system of banking/lending is a complete and utter scam. I'm no expert but has anybody stopped and noticed the parallels of Peak Oil and our economy? Debt are paid by more debt, but this is managable if the economy grow bigger. I do every day. Long post, hope you stayed with me, please, please PLEASE look into what I talked about, learn about how this works! Like all of the various flavors of collectivism, marxism, is all about getting rid of the competition for everything. It will be too late for the socialist-communist-marxists when they are bleating like wild sheep captured in a corral in their friendly forest with some free food inside the gate. This hits demand as the salaries of laid-off workers are lost and people don’t have the money to consume further. Whats even more mind blowing is to realize that the universe just after inflation was just barely shy of thermal equilibrium, meaning everything we see take place due to entropy arises out of a temp difference so small conventional thermometers could have never hoped to measure it. Corporate interests have always taken precendent over all other considerations when it comes to US foreign policy. try watching something in its entirety before criticizing it. aka SATANISTS. Let’s go over this again: Consider that over 90 per cent of the money in circulation has been created by banks as debt. If you have the right skills, or create/invent something to serve your fellow men, and able to attract capitals to you, then capitalism allow your ideas to transform the world. Fairly partisan documentary. There's only so much oil. No. This misunderstanding of our own basic evolution is what hinders us, just as you can see competition hinders children in group related activities before they learn to work together. These people don 't know shi*. Not only that, but they dismiss facts because they conflict with the fantasy world they live in. And that dear friends is where profit comes from. Don't trade your labor so cheaply if you value it as worth more. what the hell are YOU thinking?we JUST want to know? I don't know. I don't accept that. Nobody should be able to make money from "thin air", only from production of a real produce - manual labour. WHY COPS FEAR-SHTF by TheSONSOFLIBERTYMC. Why? This is evident in the distribution of wealth, and the protections placed upon that current set of distribution. For example in 2008, the global volume of good and services produced totalled US$ 70 trillion (1 with 12 zeros! 97% owned present serious research and verifiable evidence on our economic and financial system. We need an open and participatory dialogue on the re-design of our monetary systems, locally and globally. I'd give it an 8/10. I think it presumes that you have certain understandings in place. The sad thing is, even the elected persons don't realize that they have no economic power until after they are told by the RICH how they want to invest their assets and employ (enslave) the POOR in the process. While this is often hard to believe at first, it’s common knowledge to the people that manage the banking system. This is also true of all Western overdeveloped countries". These were very intelligent people in this doc who have a real good grasp of what has happened and why and then provide options for the future. At this point it is obvious that no form of Society or government to day is perfect, but unfortunately it seems like capitalism and republic are our best choice as of right now. Global Capitalists Agenda is to weaken nation states; de-regulated through trade agreements, militarize the population, smash organized labour, resinstitute serfdom at best. This is good. As @Philip Wong indicated, Govt vote buying politicians cannot be allowed to coerce banks to loan to people who cannot pay it back. It's a free compilation of all documentaries posted each week, straight to your inbox. Yet simple questions often get overlooked, questions like; where does money come from? Who decides how it gets used? Yep, all makes perfect sense now. Funny how all these "out-of-work intellectuals" are all spending time passing out advise to the poor. Go check out keen talks dot com, search for "Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Destruction Capitalism" . I did not see anyone saying they did not think the end of loans should be to produce productive assets or allow people to buy homes resonably priced with their ability intact to repay the mortgages. Do you think last year, the banks lend out 15 trillion dollars? who will, when the **** hits the fan in the fiat currency game, shift their assets and make the country a target for all the third world and disadvantaged countries- it always does- go look up the economic cycle you eejdet- That is, if last year, you earned 100 dollars, this year, you make 104.

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