Now, however, Sony has some new information up on its support page, and the program is looking much more extensive than we originally suspected. Sony is bringing back Remote Play for the PS5, giving PS5 owners the ability to use the feature to stream games from a PS4. Eurogamer randomly tested some games and discovered that The Evil Within and Until Dawn – two games with notoriously terrible performance on PlayStation 4 – have vastly improved framerates on PlayStation 5. In May 2020 Eurogamer revealed that any game submitted for PS4 certification after mid-July must also be compatible with the PS5. Before purchasing add-ons to play with your PS4 games on PS5 consoles, please try to boot and play your PS4 games on your PS5 console to see if you are happy with the play experience. Even the enhanced consoles target 1080p - and the standard machines suffer. This is the message that pops up when a game isn’t compatible with the PS5.I found a couple of rare examples in Metal Gear Survive, Battlefield 5 and Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite. In those instances, you’ll need to download your save file from your PlayStation Plus cloud or, if you don’t have a subscription, carry it over from your PlayStation 4 using a USB stick. The good news is that Sony’s testing has fulfilled the company’s previous statements: “When the PlayStation 5 launches this November, more than 99 percent of the 4000+ games available on PS4 will be playable on PS5,” Sony said in a PlayStation Blog post published Friday afternoon. However, this one specific case will need to be tested to confirm compatibility! Stormscribe. Meanwhile, Microsoft has been talking up backwards compatibility on both the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S for months. Select PS4 games will benefit from the PS5 console’s Game Boost, which may make PS4 games run with a higher or smoother frame rate. It will also be fully compatible with the PlayStation VR Headset and all of the PSVR Games currently available, though it is not known if the PSVR will see a new iteration. Some PS4 games "may exhibit errors or unexpected behaviour" when played on PS5. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Finally, in September 2020, Sony revealed the PlayStation Plus Collection, which would see a number of PS4 games playable on PS5 as part of the subscription. We’ll have to test everything for ourselves when the PS5 debuts on Nov. 12. Update 2 (2:50 p.m. EDT): We’ve updated this story with information on external storage and other details from a new PlayStation Blog FAQ. Backwards compatibility looks to be the defining feature of this console transition we’re about to go through, but Sony has been a little bit cagey about it ever since the start. Kevin Campbell names the Arsenal star who was ‘exposed’ in Aston Villa thrashing, Bright Memory Xbox Series X review – never a dull moment, Dominic Cummings not off the hook as legal appeal launched over his lockdown trips, Drunk woman arrested for driving nearly a mile on train tracks, Games Inbox: Xbox Series X delivery problems, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla formula, and XCOM 2 on Series X, compiled the full and rather substantial list, Spider-Man: Miles Morales PS5 review – pretty spectacular, Astro’s Playroom review – introducing the PS5, PS5 SSD cannot be expanded at launch admits Sony.
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