(Jack blocks the entrance to the laboratory, however, it is almost immediately started to be burned with a blowtorch.) Atlas: Get out if you can! In this sense, you will have noticed when talking about Bioshock codes , we only mention those keys hidden in the world that are the keys to certain stations. Tenenbaum: What can I really do for these Little Ones? Hiding those little girls beneath a bushel. (Jack enters the Tree Farm.) Frank Fontaine: Has Mother Goose really got her hooks into you. We’ll find the bastard, we’ll find him and we’ll tear his heart out. When it dissipates, we hear Peach’s voice on the radio.) But for some reason, you like it here... you feel something, you can’t quite put your finger on... think about it for a second, and maybe the word will come to you: nostalgia... That should buy some time. Tenenbaum: I’ve seen such terrible things. Thanks for everything, kid... Suchong: Break her neck for me. (Jack enters Sander Cohen’s apartment and Sander contacts him on the radio.) Not right off the bat, mind your the heart’s a stubborn muscle. (Jack returns to the main hall.) Suchong: Tenenbaum... sometimes I pity the little freak. Son, you’re special. Sullivan: I just got the word to put the bump on Anna Culpepper. Jack get down the stairs, hung with stylized propaganda posters, enters the bathysphere and descends into the underwater depths.) STILL! Sullivan: I worked the meatball beat in Little Italy, and even I’m shocked at the cold blood that oozes out of these artistic types. Moira! My family can’t be more than a hundred yards away. Sender Cohen: Yes! It’s like I don’t even recognize Rapture no more. Should be smooth sailing from here. Splicer Two: This little fish ain’t worth toeing it with no Big Daddy! Come here, tiger... (Jack searches for another Big Daddy.) One does not build cities if one is guided by doubt. Head back to Fontaine Fisheries when you’re ready, would you kindly? [Bump Culpepper?] And then I’ll be sure to tell Ryan he’s got you to thank. Let’s see what we’ve got here! [Fancy Cigarettes] Give ‘em the combo- zap ‘em then whack ‘em. I’ve been trying to raise you for a dog’s age. And now- What’s this, goddess? So let me be plain: when we arrest that toe-rag Fontaine for his thieving and smuggling, we must make it clear that we won’t touch his business interests. Everyone scared now. … look in the Grotto... I’ve got to keep working while there’s time... Maybe the power got to him. Sander Cohen: It... is... accomplished! Are you ready? ), (Jack comes to himself in a room. [Surgery’s Picasso] But you’ve been a sport, so I guess I owe you a little honesty. A crash. [Great Chain Moves Slowly] Goddamn nutjob artists. (Jack walks on and hides the door to the conveyor belt with the Big Daddy suits.) Tenenbaum: Welcome back, child. I’ll need you for that. Bill McDonagh: Strikes me that Fontaine wasn’t overly inconvenienced by his own demise. Never saw one before, thought they were monsters. Suchong: That’s quite a little monster Fontaine’s dug up. Work on Telekinesis Plasmid proceeding well. What you wait for, engraved invitation? (Dr. Tenenbaum draws the attention of the protagonist and throws him a plasmid.) Andrew Ryan: Julie, we made a business deal, you and I, did we not? (Jack is attacked by splicers. Go. More than likely, the entrance will be hidden— better to keep the coppers off the scent. I owe you a debt. If you do, best head to a crafting station. Of course. Presto!!! Suchong: Break that puppy’s neck -- Would You Kindly... [Meeting with Fontaine] This is different than what you did… He’s got a mind to take down the whole damn city! Tenenbaum: The children must remain functional to be effective producers of ADAM. You don’t doubt me, do you? I’m sending something your way to demonstrate our thanks. [Artist Woman] Atlas: I can hear that splicer sounding off like it’s the 4th of July. After all, she planted the damn things. No! Inside there is Money and Electric Buck or antipersonnel Pistol Rounds. If she’s still kicking around, I’m sure she’s gonna want to save her trees. Atlas: Now you’ve met Andrew Ryan, bloody King of Rapture. (Atlas sets a flying security robot on a female splicer.) Now we have to find recruits... you become Big Daddy, it’s a one-way street. Money, Power? ), (Jack arrives at Hephaestus, after which Atlas contacts him.) If I have to kill one to save the other, so be it. Go now! Rapture’s gone to hell, but sometimes the Great Chain still cuts you a break. I want it back! Peach Wilkins: Nobody walks into my swampy carrying the heat. A family. [Protecting Little Ones] (Jack comes to the closed door, behind which the voice of Jasmine is heard. Atlas: You got it! It’s lime to end this little masquerade. Ain’t nothin’ here for you but tears. Suchong: Goddammit! It belongs to the poor. You have saved many of my Little Ones. When you needed my star light, I illuminated you. You need to become a Big Daddy before you are able to draw out the Little Ones... (Jack goes on.) So I get to thinking, we’re paying for oxygen when we got photosynthesizing trees... Hell, we can even sell the extra to the rest of the city and undercut the other guys. We will make Big Daddy out of you yet, I think. Rebellion. That should clear this fog right up. (Jack brings the sample.) Bill McDonagh: I never killed a man, let alone a mate. No more real than something you read about in the Saturday Evening Post. Female Splicer: What crawls in my garden? I’ll meet you up ahead! They play, and sing. Here’s what we do: we find Fontaine’s will and make what was his go to where it was intended -- and not into the pockets of us that put ’im into the ground. You got Ryan’ eye now. (Jack approaches the entrance to the metro station but the room suddenly starts to fill with the green gas.) [Freezing Pipes Diary] But he always manages to be where the evidence isn’t. This one smart, that one stupid? (The security robot pushes the female splicer into the hole in the ceiling and follows her, after which we hear a shrill scream.) [Seeing Ghosts] I think I’ve got just the thing to put the green back in this forest. Dieter Sonnekalb: What a night I got lined up. Your family? (Jack sits in the bathysphere and floats away.). This broad Culpepper and that fruitjob Cohen are in some kind of feud, and Cohen’s lookin’ for MY security detail to pick sides. In the ground for months, and half the place still jumping at his shadow... Christ, even Ryan. (Jack enters the Jet Postal and takes the necessary pictures. Atlas: Splicer! If it’s price you’re worried about, I’ll be picking up the brass, so not to worry, squire." Was a man sent to kill? Action must be taken against the smugglers. We take a powder, and we end up like Sammy G. There’s gotta be another way... (Jack encounters a security turret.) (Can't be hacked), The code is located on the Audio Dialogue " Market Maintenance Code", the code is 0512. I asked her, "What do you mean, goddess?" Ryan said if I could boost profits in Arcadia, part of the up would ride on my hip. (Jack goes on and stumbles across the splicer.) I’m coming down there, little moth... coming down to teach you to dance. You know why? Inside there is 3 EVE Hypos, invention components and rare ammunition. (Jack visits the Gatherer’s Garden for the first time, and next to him he finds a diary.) Now would you kindly head to Ryan’s office and kill the son of o bitch... it’s time to finish this. Goto Suchong's apartment pickup AND listen to the audiodiary there. BioShock Walkthrough Screenshot. Take them off! Now drop the Vector into a gadget called the Central Misting Control.

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