Everyone who encountered him was similarly entranced. Alumni,  I hate teaching, too. Many went to Rutgers, and many went to Livingston. That almost killed me. I really can't remember who went to graduate school. We would ride home together. Graduate Students,  Actually, we're still friends. I'm not quite sure really what they did. So, my invitation to Lionel to speak in my class was as much for my education as it was for my students’. No, they didn't have school that day because they were afraid all the black people would take over Washington. We did diversity-type training--that's what they call it now--with managers in New Jersey Bell, so that they could better work with their black and Latino employees and so they would hire more. I remember that. Poet, critic, and activist Cheryl Clarke was born in Washington, DC. Altman’s account helped me understand gay liberation as politics, comparable to the politics of Black and women’s liberations. That was okay. Somebody contacted me not long ago and asked me if I would come to Virginia because she teaches at [Virginia Tech], if I would come and be on a panel to honor Nikki. The daughter of James Sheridan Clarke (September 18, 1912 – January 18, 2009), a veteran of World War II,[6] and Edna Clarke, Cheryl was born and raised in Washington, D.C. at the height of the American civil rights movement, one of four sisters and a brother. It hadn't happened before they graduated. CC: Well, we involved students in our trainings. CC: Something Civilization. The awardee will receive an award and a gift of $500. By 1980, all the assholes were gone. That's it. [Editor's Note: On August 28, 1963, the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom was held on the National Mall, during which Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. made his famous "I Have A Dream" speech.]. Russia's doing everything. My sister, when she went four years later, she was in theater and all of her friends were gay men. You had a little committee. It was changing. One time, I was at a picnic or a party in Johnson Park. I said, "Well, they were picketing Woolworth's and I went in anyway." In 1993, I learned Lionel died of AIDS-related causes in 1985 in Oakland at age 35. When the state divested, Rutgers did. That was before it broke up, before--what do you call it--when AT&T could no longer be a monopoly and they had to allow other operators to come in. He was real good. The Lionel Cuffie Award for Activism and Excellence will be given to a graduating senior who identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual or queer spectrum (LGBTQIA+) and has contributed substantially to growing and supporting the LGBTQIA+ community during their Rutgers tenure. I said, "I'm not taking the GRE." Because when I think of Rutgers anti-apartheid strike [in 1985], that was thirty days. I said, "I don't want to take business." This was a bigger house. Jan Carew. I don't think anybody really understood what happened. As one alumnus, who chaired the all-white, all straight student fee board then, said some 30 years later, reflecting on Lionel: “Who could resist Lionel? I did volunteer work for the Red Cross, candy striping, except we didn't call ourselves that. As I said, the college system was gone. I couldn't wait to get out of Washington, D.C. I'm sure some others will come to mind. Clarke's fifth book of poetry, By My Precise Haircut (2016), is published by The Word Works Books of Washington, D.C., a press committed to the publication of contemporary poetry. There were plenty of them at Howard. I retired from Rutgers University in July of 2013 after 41 years of administration and teaching in New Brunswick, N.J. With Barbara J. Balliet, my partner of 24 years, I am co-owner of Blenheim Hill Books in Hobart, N.Y., the Book Village of the Catskills. A master's, all you had to do was answer a bunch of questions. I wasn't so into The Temptations or The Four Tops. Women Power But I didn’t. He was very, very light skinned. Greenwood was where Stokely Carmichael called for Black Power. In 1980, Cheryl began working in Student Affairs at Rutgers. I know my mother originally came from North Carolina at a very young age, maybe three or four, with her parents. I worked for the Peace Corps for a couple of years. That's why, I think, I'm a lesbian because I think you have to learn to appreciate the company of women. And it didn't because he was gay. We also worked with GED [General Educational Development] programs because many of the people had to get their GEDs. She taught at Livingston for a while. Rather than defining a lesbian only as a woman who has sex with other women, Clarke insists that "there is no one kind of lesbian, no one kind of lesbian behavior, and no one kind of lesbian relationship. That was what I did initially. Don't go in." KR: What was going on with the Black Arts Movement at Howard? Of course, they were all going crazy in there because Martin Luther King had been shot and then he died. Twenty-nine people is a lot to supervise. She's in the back of the store coming back. He said, "I just want you to know before we get started," because we had to use [British historian] Basil Davidson's--they all used his book--he says, "Before we get started, I just want you to know that I know as much or more as any of these people you're reading." It will come back to me. That was how it was. He said, "What are you two going to do when you graduate?" In the fall of '92, we started going out. People still read that. I didn't take a GRE. Every time people rallied around or talked about Black Power, the issue of Vietnam would come up, the issue of divestment I think, the issue of corporate politics, whose interests were being served by our being in Vietnam. Clarke is a black lesbian feminist whose poetry, editorial work, and My father slipped and told me one time--he said it to me as if I had known about it all my life--he said that his family lived across the street from my mother's first husband's family, but she and my father met when she was fourteen. I think that's why. However, the following sentiments from a sign at the New York City Pride March of 1971 reveal some of the other movements “Gay Power” was/is indebted to: Black Power He was a security guard. There did not seem to be any gay men involved, unless they were in the closet, some of those nationalists. The book Home Girls: A Black Feminist Anthology also includes one of Clarke’s essays, titled “The Failure to Transform: Homophobia in the Black Community” (1983). Subsequently, she enrolled at Rutgers University, completing a master's degree in 1974, an MSW in 1980, and a Ph.D in 2000. Luckily, luckily, I regained it. He was stirring people up. They wanted us to be really educated. I only applied to Howard. Rutgers is an equal access/equal opportunity institution. I have very mild experiences of anti-black feeling in Washington, discrimination, yes, mild compared to some. CC: I remember that there was a lot of it. Taught me to appreciate the company of women. He said, "Young people, allow me to reminisce about Countee for a minute." Lionel was very reserved, though still sweet-seeming, no embrace, and he spoke angrily about the homophobia of the Reagan Administration. I had a great roommate. Well, one of them dies in the end. Going back to the activism around her case--we talked about this a little before the interview--what was the composition of both the New Brunswick community for defense and general protests demographically, black, white, Latino, and also sexual orientation? There was a lot of Black Theater at Howard and in the city, in Washington. I went from the second to the twelfth [grade]. She earned her BA from Howard University and her MA and PhD from Rutgers University. The black assholes and the white assholes, they were gone. Because I was working in student affairs, student activities, I had to really tread lightly because you couldn't be encouraging students to protest. It was set up to proceed on through to the Ph.D. All these black people standing up eating. CC: Yes. Moore, Darnell. I'd like to go though, I think. CC: They're more than a singing group, but Bernice Reagon's group--she's not with them anymore. I went to Howard University for college. It was black. She couldn't take it. When I went to high school, I think there were about maybe two hundred or three hundred girls in the school, and maybe ten of us were black. So, having this committee of liaisons was very important--and we would identify them. We had an office in Brooklyn. That's how they say it here, Hobart. That's why we had liaisons and that's why we had that campus-wide committee, so we could push out and get other people to do work because I didn't have a large budget. They had created that momentum or what became that momentum. That was my major course of study, English. That was the farthest we went for vacation. White people sitting down. Then, he helped bring in faculty at Rutgers who were anti-apartheid, were interested in getting something started on campus around apartheid. There were plenty of women in the English Department at Douglass College. They had taken Women's Studies courses, but they were really wonderful in terms of asking questions and responding to issues.

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