", Being bullied as a youth probably didn't help Dacre's anxiety. At the age of 24, Dacre stands at a height of 5 feet 10 inches (1.78 meters). "So Dacre is just acre, like five acres to the next farm, right. Peek Into The Life Of: Here's Chris Marquette Age, Wife, Married Details, Height. Montgomery added, "I grew up admiring stunt choreography, so I wanted to learn how it would be possible to do that, since [Season 3] has so much more action than in the past.". ". Sociopathically mean, Billy is a total bully who drives around in his blue Camaro torturing our fave group of kids. A point of discussion amongst his fans, one user hilariously tweeted: "Is Dacre Montgomery's name pronounced like daiquiri?" It might seem like the actor only plays in supernatural movies and TV shows, but he has also given minor appearances in films like Better Watch Out, A Few Less Men, and Bertrand The Terrible. Montgomery added, that especially being away from home, "building your own world for yourself and building that comfortability, whether it's the bed sheets or the curtains or whatever" is crucial. Oh, Billy, what have you done? In fact, Dacre also said that he was inspired by seeing his parents work on the set and knew he wanted to pursue a career in acting when he was just ten years old! © Both Aussies, the duo has been dating since 2018 and … It looks like Montgomery could be becoming a style icon for the masses — even if he is rocking a look that many would consider, well, dated. He pulls off sociopathic bully to a T. It also showcases a shirtless Montgomery donning sunglasses and dancing to '80s classics such as "Come on Eileen" and "Hungry Like the Wolf." Titled DKMH, the podcast is a collection of the actor's poems, set to artists such as Julia Stone and Matt Lange. If not, you've got a problem.". To BOND. Considering some fans are still holding on to a glimmer of hope that beloved Barb from the first season will return, perhaps we can all do the same for dear, sweet Billy, too. During his session, he answers the question we've all been wanting to ask: How the heck do you pronounce his first name? It turns out, the actor actually has three passports! "It's been an amazing journey. Being a swimsuit model for the company, Pollock was interviewed for swimwear brand It's Now Cool's blog. It might be tempting, but one should not assume this handsome actor's acting skills by his young age. Pollock was,She also went on to say add that both she and Montgomery were drawn to each other because of,Apart from this being adorable, this totally makes sense based on,When Montgomery had to move to Atlanta to film,"When we got to Atlanta, we had our first house together,",Being a swimsuit model for the company, Pollock was interviewed for.When asked, "Dacre's … Ever since he was a kid, Montgomery said, he was interested in interior design. "I love all that stuff," he told Vulture. When the internet caught wind of this audition tape, fans went wild. he told Triple J. Direct Link Dacre Montgomery has a sweet date by his side at Sunday’s Screen Actors Guild Awards. The Australian actor, known for his portrayal of Billy Hargrove in … I guess that's the sign of a good wig," the actor revealed to Vulture. His character Billy in The Stranger Things was loosely based on the bullies he had faced, so that is probably why he acted the role so well! Tweeting about the podcast the day it debuted, Montgomery also added the track titles on top of moody images of fragrances — surely echoing the nature of his poetry. ", His rise to fame may feel instantaneous, but Dacre Montgomery has been preparing for this moment for years. It's just as artistic as the idea itself. By using MarriedDivorce.com you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The two met because they ran in the same professional circles in Australia. With blue eyes and a charming smile, Dacre surely has many lady fans drooling over him. Reading up on Pollock and Montgomery's relationship is a balm for anyone who's finished Season 3 of Stranger Things. But who exactly is Billy Hargrove? Published contents by users are under Creative Commons License. He's only been on the Hollywood scene since 2017, when he landed a role in Power Rangers. Aww. Apart from this being adorable, this totally makes sense based on a July 2019 GQ interview with Montgomery. Apart from talking about her fitness routine, her fashion go-to's and how she gets such poppin' hair, the Q&A has a cute little tidbit about Montgomery. "I just remember a kid in school getting really upset with me about something I said in passing ... With all their mates, [they] took me to the back of the school." Liv Pollock left her classes in Australia and moved to Atlanta to spend more time with Dacre, who was shooting for the season 3 of The Stranger Things in April 2018. It makes sense that the power couple fell head-over-heels with designing a home, considering these two share the same interests. It's tough to say if Billy will return for Season 4 of Stranger Things. He explains that Pollock bought him the three he's showing off in the video. I want to give people an opportunity to escape in characters they could get lost in. This sad story has a silver lining — that experience helped the actor get into the role of Billy. So, who is Dacre Montgomery dating? And because he was so fit, the Australian-born celeb actually did his own stunts in the hit series! I think it's so important for everybody to know that you can get through it. The Stranger Things actor has been boo'd up for a bit with Liv Pollock, an Australian model. Liv Pollock revealed in an interview that Dacre's fame would never be the reason for the problems in their relationship, which is going on smoothly. By 2019 and the debut of the show's third season, our primary antagonist got even more screen action — this time, catching everyone's attention, particularly the desperate housewives who admire his chiseled abs by the pool while he lifeguards. When taking on intense roles, actors sometimes have to be careful not to let their on-set persona negatively impact their personal lives. Violent and unpredictable, Billy sends shivers down our spines, perhaps reminding us of our own childhood traumas. (Or is that just me?) "For the last 24 months, I've been a human sponge, soaking up and learning as much as I can, both on and off-set. I try to learn about it. "He's a misunderstood character, if you think about it," he told Vulture. Apparently it was played in the big board meeting.". Speaking to GQ Australia, the lovebirds mentioned how much they loved creating their own space. When asked which passport he uses the most, the celeb responded: "I feel like Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, you can pretty much go anywhere on the planet and be welcomed with a smiling face." A win-win, if you ask us. Although he comes off as carefree and totally approachable, Dacre Montgomery has battled personal struggles since he was a preteen. "It's the set decoration, the cinematographer, the costumes — it's so much art combined. I've been pursuing a career in this industry for a long time, so when I was finally given an opportunity, I didn't take it for granted," he told Complex. Another prerequisite of 1980s cool-guy swagger? Season 3 of Stranger Things brought fans many gifts â among them, eye candy in the form of Dacre Montgomery, who plays Hawkins' resident bad boy Billy Hargrove. The Stranger Things actor has been boo'd up for a bit with Liv Pollock, an Australian model. His wiki reveals that he embraces white ethnicity; his father is from New Zealand whereas his mother is from Canada. "When we got to Atlanta, we had our first house together," Pollock told GQ Australia. Did Montgomery have to grow his own hair out to achieve such prowess? ", A cinephile to the core, he lists Into the Wild and The Big Blue as some of his "cinematic inspirations." It was amazing.". In a June 2019 interview with PerthNow, Pollock said, âMy boyfriend is a day-to-day inspiration for me. It's hard to not wonder whether Montgomery is dating anyone, especially with all of Billy's gratuitous, sweaty, shirtless scenes that make you feel like you're breaking out in a sweat. Pollock is signed with Vivien's Models, an Australian agency representing models in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth. MarriedDivorce.com In a new development to their whirlwind romance, model Liv Pollock, 19, moved from Australia last week to be with her Stranger Things star boyfriend Dacre Montgomery, 23. It's clear the Aussie has some serious acting chops. And we both kind of fell in love with that. Who could forget the late Heath Ledger's turmoils while prepping for the role of The Joker in The Dark Knight? He, however, fell head over hills for Liv Pollock, who is a 19-year-old Australian model. ", How did Montgomery create some healthy boundaries with Billy? Clearly, Montgomery's lively interpretation of Billy worked, but from whom did the actor draw inspiration for the role? Dacre Montogomery was born on 22 November 1994 in Perth, Australia. Dacre is very much in love with his girlfriend, Liv and both the lovebirds occasionally post pictures with each other on social media. No, it's not Zac Efron — a common mistake made by countless fans. Helping Lucy along is a new guy in her life, Nick (Dacre Montgomery of “Stranger Things”), who gradually becomes more than a business partner. "I sent off the tape at 11 o'clock that night, Australian time. "So, go out there and get it! Safe to say that pasta is on the table in the Pollock-Montgomery household. In a segment for the GQ video series "Actually Me," Dacre Montgomery goes undercover to respond to questions online. Some brands Pollock has modeled for include Michaela Wain Swim, fashion brand Tiger Mist and eyewear brand Pacifico Optical. This descent is through Charles' daughter, Anne Lennard, Countess of Sussex. Dacre Montogomery attends Emmy Awards with his girlfriend Liv Pollock on 21 September 2018 (Photo: Liv Pollock's Instagram). As it turns out, the actor is nothing like the wildcard Billy Hargrove. There are five core human drives that influence human behavior. How does the on-screen bad boy feel about his sudden leap to the A-list? He considers his mom to be his superhero and says that his family always support him in every decision. ", There's a reason Billy Hargrove became a fan-favorite on Stranger Things; it's in part thanks to Dacre Montgomery. To DEFEND. ", Montgomery also shared a high school photo and a moving message on Instagram to give other teens the strength to know they're not alone. You have to be able to switch it off.
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