Please subscribe or login to access full text content. Further, her nationality, say, Guatemalan, and her undocumented status as an immigrant in the U.S., also functions as an axis of power and oppression, which might prevent her from seeking health care when needed, from speaking out against oppressive and dangerous work conditions, or from reporting crimes committed against her due to fear of deportation. This article focuses on the idea of intersectionality, which has been accepted in a variety of disciplines such as psychology and political science. 8 Ibid. The term is attributed to Kimberle Crenshaw who first coined the term … Nice summary. (1982). By contrast, consider the everyday experiences of a poor, undocumented Latina living in the U.S. It assumes a unidirectional exercise of oppression wherein inequality is created capriciously from above and imposed cruelly on those below. And, if there is no capital-T Truth, independent of personal identity and ‘lived experience,’ then upon what basis does intersectionality purport to offer an accurate analysis of the world? His work has appeared in National Review, The American Conservative, and Heterodox Academy. Valerie Chepp is a PhD candidate in the Sociology Department at the University of Maryland. Opposing one facet of systematic oppression also requires a degree of selectivism, treating one form of structural power as a bigger threat than the others, e.g. In addition to race, class, gender, sexuality, and nationality, many of today's sociologists also include categories like age, religion, culture, ethnicity, ability, body type, and even looks in their intersectional approach. Thus, Crenshaw concluded that black women were disproportionately marginalized due to the simultaneous, intersecting nature of how they are read by others as both raced and gendered subjects. Accessibly written and drawing on a plethora of lively examples to illustrate its arguments, the book highlights intersectionality's potential for understanding inequality and bringing about social justice oriented change. Access to the complete content on Oxford Handbooks Online requires a subscription or purchase. It is effectively a secular religion.1. Flatiron Books (April 2016) 260 pages. It presents several themes that can help in understanding intersectionality, its core ideas, and some of its contributions within a sociology of knowledge framework. Patricia Hill Collins and Sirma Bilge The concept of intersectionality has become a hot topic in academic and activist circles alike. What Is Social Stratification, and Why Does It Matter? Collins and Bilge present the topic of Intersectionality, which is the interconnectedness of race, class, and gender as it applies to individuals and groups. Intersectionality also manifests in Black feminist writing from the 1960s onwards. ( Log Out /  Students take exams that test them on the so-called facts and write term papers on their meaning.”7 (Notice the appearance of that sinister phrase “so-called facts.”) They continue: “These authoritative versions of history may be widely accepted, yet these straight-line renditions of history typically include some groups at the expense of others and emphasize certain experiences over others.” Collins and Bilge note that, for most of American history, the “narratives” of “propertied white men” were privileged at the expense of everybody else’s. Nonetheless, the question of how intersectional theorists understand the acquisition of knowledge and the pursuit of truth explains much of what they assert elsewhere, so teasing out the authors’ epistemology is an important task. (1981). Her skin color and phenotype mark her as “foreign” and “other” compared with the perceived normality of whiteness. The discomfort of acknowledging that you, in some hierarchies, belong to the dominant class is essential to the redistribution of structural power. And so, when the practices expound identity as woman or person of color as an either/or proposition, they relegate the identity of women of colour to a location that resists telling. p. 112 Sirma Bilge is Full Professor of Sociology at the Université de Montréal. How does one square intersectional relativism with intersectionality’s absolutist rhetoric of social justice? As best as I can discern, Collins and Bilge would reply that the dominant ‘narratives’ in our society are those of straight, white, wealthy, able-bodied, cis-gendered men, and that social equality can only be achieved by democratizing our sources of knowledge production. However, the definition of intersectionality has also been a source of inconsistency and ambiguity. Of course, the definitive rebuttal to Blank Slatism appears in Steven Pinker, The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature Intersectionality as Critical Inquiry and Critical Praxis, Collins and Bilge begin with the following working definition: “Intersectionality is a way of understanding and analyzing the complexity in the world, in people, and in human experiences.” The authors, however, are concerned with just one manifestation of human complexity. (1978). when white middle-class feminists argue that gender is the primary means of oppression in all women’s lives, disregarding the realities of working class women and/or women of colour. (Crenshaw). Introduction: Gender and Politics: A Gendered World, a Gendered Discipline, Gender and Politics: Concepts and Methods, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality: From Naturalized Presumption to Analytical Categories, Power, Politics, Domination, and Oppression, Gendered Political Economy: Production and Reproduction, Gender and (International) Political Economy, Households, Families, and Social Reproduction, Gender, Work, and the Sexual Division of Labor, The Comparative Study of Women’s Movements, Feminist Organizing: What’s Old, What’s New? 6 For more on the Marxist critique of ideology, see Terry Eagleton’s Marxism and Literary Criticism and Roger Scruton’s essay “Clown Prince of the Revolution.” As Audre Lorde said, “there is no thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives.”, An intersectional approach to feminism considers social inequality beyond that which is part of your individual experience. This came up in a search. Despite Collins and Bilge’s claim to be identifying the complexity of human social relations, intersectionality views inequality in simple-minded terms, invariably attributing all inequality to a conspiracy of systemic oppression. It has even become something of a buzzword. to be fully incorporated in structural analysis, thus providing feminist analysis with the perspective to encompass the true range of all women’s lives, the scope to understand all women’s experiences. Hill Collins, Patricia. The writing of Angela Davis was pivotal in unveiling the racism and classism of the women’s liberation movement, analysing the history of Black women being further marginalised within feminism. I responded in a previous Quillette piece, “The Illiberal Logic of Intersectionality.” It therefore deserves a fair representation as much as a careful rebuttal. Black Feminist Thought. Wouldn’t the narrative of a white male be just as useful—or just as useless—as that of a black female? The Black Woman: An Anthology. (Hill Collins & Bilge). This is where intersectionality becomes essential. Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center. Looking through the lens of intersectional feminist theory demonstrates that there is not one fixed reality to be lived by all those sharing a single umbrella identity (such as woman), but rather a multitude of realities, the experience of which is determined by co-existing identities (hooks). Black Women and Feminism. Intersectional praxis prevents marginalised women from being further side-lined within the feminist movement. eds. Intersectionality as Critical Inquiry and Praxis. Top 20 Influential Modern Feminist Theorists, 27 Black American Women Writers You Should Know, Ph.D., Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara, M.A., Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara. Much of what follows in this chapter is uninteresting: A series of quotes from intersectional scholars calling out other intersectional scholars for failing to include this-or-that marginalized group of people in their “discourses.” More important to bear in mind is that, for Collins and Bilge, “All discourses come from a particular standpoint.” In their formulation, the words or thoughts of particular individuals are simply products of their group-identity’s narrative, whether it be their gender, race, sexual orientation, et cetera. View all » About the author (2020) Patricia Hill Collins is Distinguished University Professor of Sociology at the University of Maryland. Hill Collins, Patricia (2000). You could not be signed in, please check and try again. Definition, Principles, and Applications, 11 Black Scholars and Intellectuals Who Influenced Sociology. PRINTED FROM OXFORD HANDBOOKS ONLINE ( 4 Ibid. The concept of intersectionality has become a hot topic in academic and activist circles alike. “As used in this book,” they write, “the term ‘critical’ means criticizing, rejecting and/or trying to fix the social problems that emerge in situations of social injustice.”, Intersectional theorists are also critical of what they perceive to be the underlying assumptions of social existence. Trained as a sociologist, Collins saw the importance of folding class and sexuality into this critical analytic tool, and later in her career, nationality too. The point of understanding intersectionality is to understand the variety of privileges and/or forms of oppression that one may experience simultaneously at any given time. Change ), there can be no hierarchies of oppression, Pessoas brancas criticando “Feminismo Branco” perpetuam privilégio branco, Intersectional Feminism – Love Sex-Hate Sexism, Ending Demand: The Sisterhood vs The Sex Industry, Lessons from Canada: On Women’s Libraries and Liberation, Sisterhood and Shortbread: Meghan Murphy at the Scottish Parliament, Black Studies: Bending the Revolution & Claiming Lesbian Feminist Politics. Intersectional praxis is crucial if feminist sisterhood is to exist. In a feminist context, it allows for a fully developed understanding of how factors such as race and class shape women’s lived experiences, how they interact with gender. Fortunately, such a theory is readily available: It is expressed in the empirically based work of scholars like Christina Hoff Sommers, Glenn Loury, Steven Pinker, and others who understand the multi-causal nuances of inequality, far better than intersectional theorists. p. 160-1 Her sexuality too and that of the men who may be in positions of power over her is an axis of power and oppression, as it can be used to coerce her through the threat of sexual violence. 11 Conor Friedersdorf, Ian Storey, and Chris Martin have made arguments to this effect. If intersectional theory is unable to provide a plausible interpretation of the world, it does at least offer a point of departure for further discussion. In this new book Patricia Hill Collins and Sirma Bilge provide a much-needed, introduction to the field of intersectional knowledge and praxis. She has taught and researched at institutions including the University of California-Santa Barbara, Pomona College, and University of York. Intersectionality extends the reach and relevance of the feminist movement. Intersectionality is a framework designed to explore the dynamic between co-existing identities (e.g. Treating white womanhood as a definitive standard, particularly during structural analysis, erases Black womanhood and propagates racism within the feminist movement. It isn’t that they find epistemology unimportant; they just presuppose a certain set of beliefs about it, probably in the interest of brevity. If intersectionality is to be replaced, its critics must offer a more compelling theory of inequality. ( Log Out /  But what exactly does it mean, and why has it emerged as such a vital lens through which to explore how social inequalities of race, class, gender, sexuality, age, ability and ethnicity shape one another? 9 Ibid. For an effective feminist movement that tackles the very root of persisting inequalities, in the words of Audre Lorde, “there can be no hierarchies of oppression.”.

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