"Mikrotikls SIA" izjavlja, da je ta CCR1016-12G v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in drugimi relevantnimi določili direktive 2014/53/ES. 8x Gigabit Ethernet, 1xSFP cage, 1xSFP+ cage, 9 cores x 1GHz CPU, 2GB RAM, LCD panel, passive cooling desktop enclosure, SmartCard slot, RouterOS L6, PSU, Max power consumption without attachments, All tests are done with Xena Networks specialized test equipment (XenaBay),and done according to RFC2544 (Xena2544), Max throughput is determined with 30+ second attempts with 0,1% packet loss tolerance in 64, 512, 1518 byte packet sizes, Test results show device maximum performance, and are reached using mentioned hardware and software configuration, different configurations most likely will result in lower results. MikroTik Cloud Core Router CCR1009-7G-1C-1S+ Dual PSU LCD Panel Rackmount Case. Le Cloud Core est livré dans un boîtier rackable 19" 1U, dispose de 4 ports SFP (modules non inclus), 12 ports Ethernet Gigabit, un port série et un port USB. Will usually ship within same business day if, After receiving the item, contact seller within. CloudRouterSwitches.com is a division of Virtual Graffiti Inc, an authorized MicroTik Partner. Routeur Central MikroTik Cloud Core CCR1036-12G-4S. Eu, "Mikrotikls SIA", declaro que o CCR1016-12G cumpre os requisitos essenciais e outras provisões relevantes da Directiva 2014/53/EC. The device comes with a desktop enclosure, but special rackmount brackets are also included, so it can be used either on desk or in rack. Earn up to 5x points when you use your eBay Mastercard®. Cloud Core Router 1016 with Tilera 1.2Ghz 16-core CPU, 2GB RAM (2x1GB), 12xGbit Ethernet, RouterOS L6, touchscreen LCD, power supply List price $625 Our tests show that Cloud Core Router series can push wire speed throughput via all ports (up to 16Gbps full duplex on CCR1036-12G-4S, up to 12Gbps on CCR1016-12G), making it the fastest MikroTik product ever made. Buyer pays for return shipping, Mikrotik CRS112-8G-4S-IN Cloud Router Switch 8 Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports 4 SFP, MikroTik Cloud Core Router CCR1009-7G-1C-1S+ Dual PSU LCD Panel Rackmount Case, MikroTik Cloud Core Router 1009-7G-1C-PC RouterOS Desktop Case Passive 1GB RAM, Mikrotik S+DA0005 Compatible SFP+ to SFP+ direct attach cable, 5m, In US, X86 Intel Core I3 I5 I7 6th/7th Mini PC 6 LAN Fanless Router Firewall Pfsense, T422-CR CHELSIO QUAD-PORT 1GBE/10GBE ETHERNET UNIFIED WIRE ADAPTER W/ SFP, 1m S+AO0001 MikroTik Compatible 10G SFP+ AOC Cable, Mikrotik Powerful OEM RouterBOARD with 3 x Gigabit LAN & 2 miniPCIe (RBM33G), Brocade ICX7400-4X10GF ICX 7450 4-port 10-Gigabit SFP SFP+ Module, MikroTik Cloud Core Router 1009-7G-1C-1S+PC With Tilera Tile Gx9 CPU 9 Cores, Mikrotik S+DA0001 Compatible 10G SFP+ direct attach cable, 1m Twinax Cable, MikroTik Rack Mountable Enterprise Routers, MikroTik Wireless-Wi-Fi 802.11ac Enterprise Routers, MikroTik Wireless-Wi-Fi 802.11n Enterprise Routers. Copyright © 2000new Date().getFullYear()>2000&&document.write("-"+new Date().getFullYear());. Please sign up to get notified about new RouterOS version releases and other useful information! A "Mikrotikls SIA" ezzennel kijelenti, hogy a CCR1016-12G típusú beren-dezés teljesíti az alapvető követelményeket és más 2014/53/EK irányelvben meghatározott vonatkozó rendelkezéseket. "),d=t;a[0]in d||!d.execScript||d.execScript("var "+a[0]);for(var e;a.length&&(e=a.shift());)a.length||void 0===c?d[e]?d=d[e]:d=d[e]={}:d[e]=c};function v(b){var c=b.length;if(0
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