Hence the name Slap Cup. Players stand evenly around the edge of the table. The full beer cup is saved for last. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. A fist hitting the table skips the next HAND. Everyone needs to sit around a table and don’t be afraid to get close. If you score on your first attempt you can pass your cup (with the ball in it) to anyone else around the table. It … Everyone sits around in a circle. Enjoy looking at everyone’s confused faces as they mess up! Add more cups & more beer if you have more players. Designate two players that are opposite each other as the starters. If the person directly to your right has a cup and is still trying to score their ball – you get to slap their cup off the table. If you’re not confused yet, you will be . Once everyone does this everyone’s hands should be interlocked so each player has two hands in front of them, the right hand of the player to their left and the left hand of the player to their right. Thanks! Try to avoid being the unfortunate person who gets their cup slapped at the end of the game! There are no teams and it requires less skill than Beer Pong or Flip Cup. It’s fairly easy to play and doesn’t require any extra supplies like cards or dice. Drinking Game, Games for 6 or more people, Games for 8+ people, Non-Card Based Games. The Captain is one of the original founders of the Drinking and Stuff website. Overview of the Slaps Drinking Game: A popular game in the hostels of Australia… This game requires some serious focus if you don’t want to fuck up because you’re going to have your arms tangled up with the people next to you. Offical Kings Cup Drinking Game Recommended for you. Fill the center cup with a full beer. The point of stacking the cups is one person is trying to bounce their ball into a stack of cups that gets pretty tall as the game goes on. 1 slap continues the direction of the previous slap. Either “left” or “right”. Before this game can start you need to make sure everyone has their hands set up correctly on the table. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, © Copyright 2017 Dude Studios. Drinking Games & Rules: Play, Drink, Enjoy! The person who just got their cup stacked has to grab a beer from the middle and keep playing like in slap cup. If you set up for a new game the players should shuffle around to avoid repeated matchups. Players stand around a table bouncing balls into empty cups, slapping cups across the room, and drinking. If you feel really ballsy (pun intended) arrange the cups in obvious rings and fill the cups more and more as you move from outside in – with the center cup being the most full. Players: 2+ Type: Social; Drink: Liquor; Consumption: Year: -Today; Genre: Actors: Summary. This game can be a little easy once you get the hang of it so consider adding in one of these extra rules after every few rounds. You can move the empty cup between attempts but you can’t touch it during a shot. You keep going until someone messes up, then they drink and start the new round. Slaps Drinking Game was submitted by The God of Games. Sophie Turner, who most will know for her role in Game of Thrones , recently spoke to Conan O’Brien about what her and the cast of the up and coming X-Men movie Dark Phoenix got up to in between shots. If it’s near the end of the game it can be smart to pass it far away from you to try and avoid getting the center ‘death cup.’. Please drink responsibly. Drink Responsibly. Slap Cup is a fast-paced, competitive drinking game where participants compete individually and try to bounce a pong ball into their cup as quickly as possible. It’s a game that works better with slightly bigger groups, 6 or more people ideally, and becomes more challenging when you start to speed the game up. Then they slap the matching hand on the table. Place 21 of the cups clustered in the middle of the table, with roughly even spacing. Once it goes around the player who started it can switch directions if they choose to. Slap Cup Drinking Game: What to Expect Slap Cup (AKA Smack a Bitch) is a fast-paced, high-energy, hilarious drinking game for various size groups. Your email address will not be published. Play the Stack Cup drinking game rules – Everything is the same as slap cup except that instead of slapping the cup you stack your cup into the losers cup and push the stack to the next person. Each player should place their left hand in front of the player to their left and their right hand in front of the player to their right. Sometimes one person ends up having to drink more than their share of the cups – know your limits. In whatever direction they said, the HANDS must slap one at a time. The game starts with the starting player specifying which direction the game will go in. Once you’ve drank that beer you use your new cup to bounce the ball into. Loading... Unsubscribe from Anthony Spake? Fill the rest of the cups with 1/4 of a beer. Slap shots, also know as Whiskey Slap, is a physical drinking game where participants drink from a bottle of liquor, pass it, and take turns slapping each other Make sure 1 cup is obviously the center. (Alternatively you could play on the floor in a circle). Party & Drinking Games What equipment do you need for Slap Cup. Generally you want to pass it to the player directly to the left of the other person with a cup. It’s a game that works better with slightly bigger groups, 6 or more people ideally, and becomes more challenging when you start to speed the game up. Slap Shots Drinking Game.

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