(a) fat and sloppy 1. (a) the roof of the other room Answer: Secret agents in fiction are projected like ideal men. I told them to check on me to make sure everything was alright.”. the midnight visitor class 10 question answers – Talk About It (Page 18) Question 1. (a) door 1. Max thought balcony as a means to escape from the police. Ausable was brought to Paris twenty years ago from : Where did Max actually enter from? Then he switched on the light. He was an American and could also speak German and French. The door opened and a waiter stood there with a tray, a bottle and two glasses. “Max, he wheezed, “you gave me quite a start. You wished to meet me because you are a writer, young and romantic. However, Max told them that he had entered the room through the door using a pass key. Ausable was a …………..fellow. Q. (a) excited We have a wait of half an hour, I think.”, “Thirty-one minutes,” Ausable said moodily. He is one such secret agent, who expects to get some sensitive papers in his hotel room. (c) outside the back door of the room Ausable was a secret agent in an organization. Instead of getting messages passed secretly to him by beautiful girls, he got only a routine telephone call making an appointment. How did Max try to escape? (a) Paris Why did Max enter his room? 2. Answer: Initially, Ausable got a shock to see Max in his room. (c) Henry How is Ausable different from other secret agents? (a) London “Ausable shows great presence of mind in a situation of danger and surprise. Ausable created the balcony which did not exist so as to dupe Max and the police. “I thought that such an important paper as the one we are waiting for should have a little extra protection. The Midnight Visitor : Summary , Class 10 Questions and Answers , NCERT Solutions. Ausable was intelligent secret agent, as he could easily fabricate stories and befoot his enemies and kill them without using any weapon. We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 3 The Midnight Visitor with Answers Pdf free download will definitely yield fruitful results. (a) 5 years ago Following him down the musty corridor of the gloomy French hotel where Ausable had a room, Fowler felt let down. In this story, Ausable shows great ‘presence of mind’, or the ability to think quickly and act calmly and wisely in a situation of danger and surprise. Answer: Certainly, a calm mind can help us to tackle direst stress. Answer: This story refers to the play ‘If I were you’. (a) German However, in case it continues, the child should be given trained medical aid immediately. (c) Max It might have saved me some trouble had I known.”, “It is not my balcony,” Ausable said with extreme irritation. A Question of Trust Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet. “I do not answer the door, they will enter anyway. (iv) A family member not returning home at the usual time should enquired for at the place he or she was expected to visit. OR How did the role of the balcony become significant in the story, “The Midnight Visitor”? (i) ‘My young friend’ in the above extract is, (ii) The ‘important paper’ referred in the extract is. It will be easier in my hands than in yours.”. (b) waiter Suddenly, there was a knocking on the door and Ausable pretended that it was the local police, who had been asked to provide an extra security for the important document he was about to receive. 5. “You can get onto it from the empty room two doors down – and somebody did, last month. Do you think he had worked out his plan in detail right from the beginning? (c) Ausable 1. Ausable had described it so vividly, including its history and use, that Max was convinced there was a balcony just outside the window and tried to jump onto it without looking. All these made Max desperate. His statement that somebody else also broke into his office through that balcony earlier made it a convincing story. What are you doing in my room?”. They believe that it is not their duty to help someone who is hit by a bike or car, as this will be a police case and they might be falling in danger. This article is about the midnight visitor summary.
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