The pay tables provided are for reference use only and not for official purposes. The UA or RPAC should be able to resolve most pay problems experienced by USAR Soldiers. To certify, the Soldier must provide a copy of the orders or a USAR Form 25-R with his/her signature and the signature of someone with knowledge of duty performance as follows:
Units and RPACs will contact their respective Regional Support Command (RSC) Finance Division for pay issues they cannot resolve. RPACs initiate pay actions for all units in their location. Most IDT is performed in 4 hour blocks, performance of each block entitling the Soldier to one day of Basic Pay. VOLUME 7A, CHAPTER 1: “BASIC PAY” Failure to provide certification will result in collection of any payments made for the AD period or stoppage of pay. In almost all cases, it is to the Soldier’s advantage to elect military pay as it is normally a higher rate per day than VA DC. Refer inquiries concerning travel performed on a Defense Travel System (DTS) authorization to your unit’s Command Defense Travel Administrator (DTA). You may also fill out a FOIA Request form here. For AD periods, Soldiers always receive Basic Pay, Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) and Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) (with the exception of Initial Entry Training). Email: ATTN: AFRC-PRR (FOIA/PA Office) However, some IDT periods such as RMAs and EBDLs are only authorized one day of Basic Pay regardless of the number of hours performed during the day. 910-570-9548 The proponent of this regulation is the Chief, Army Reserve. Office symbol: AFRC-PRR, Mailing address: Information for Retired Military and Annuitants, SOCIAL SECURITY PAYROLL TAX WITHHOLDING DEFERRAL, Attention! However, some IDT periods such as RMAs and EBDLs are only authorized one day of Basic Pay regardless of the number of hours performed during the day. The Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation, Volume 9: Travel Policy and Procedures provides supplemental instructions regarding the payment of allowances authorized by the JTR. For all types of IDT, Soldiers are only entitled to Basic Pay and some incentive and special pays, if qualified and authorized. Soldiers cannot receive VA DC and military pay for the same day, they must elect payment of one or the other. Guard/Army National Guard of the United States, and the U.S. Army Reserve, unless otherwise stated. • For AD of 30 days or more not performed on an Army Installation, the Soldiers must provide certification to the unit or RPAC at the end of each month and at duty completion. • For orders of 8-29 days, the Soldier must provide certification to the UA or RPAC within 45 days of duty completion. Active Duty Operational Support-Reserve Component (ADOS-RC) orders of 181 days or more in one location are a Permanent Change of Station (PCS). USAR PAM 20-2 Assistance, Inspections, Investigations, and Follow-up. Soldiers may elect to carryover all or a portion of accrued leave and receive payment for the remainder. This is not free money for you to spend. All leave earned by Army Reserve Soldiers on AD orders of 365 days or less is exempt from the 60-day career limit on payment for accrued leave. IDT and AD payments initiated in RLAS generally result in payment to the Soldier within 10 days. This regulation applies to the Regular Army, the Army National Guard/Army National Guard of the United States, and the U.S. Army Reserve, unless otherwise stated. Units and RPACs are to initiate payment for Battle Assemblies within 24 hrs of completion, all other IDT should be process no later than 72hrs after the UA or RPAC receives the DA 1380. There are several factors that determine a Soldier’s pay entitlements. Ms. Cheryl Vacey Each bonus has specific eligibility and payment rules. Soldiers must provide certification of AD performance to the appropriate personnel. For a complete listing of Army publications and forms, please visit There are several factors that determine a Soldier’s pay entitlements. Please do not think you have extra money for the holidays because of the extra money showing on your LES! For Media Inquiries or Public Affairs submissions, contact Army Reserve Strategic Communications at As more information becomes available, it will be posted on The exception is units supported by a Reserve Personnel Action Center (RPAC). This regulation applies to all U.S. Army Training Centers, Centers of Excellence, activities authorized drill sergeants, U.S. Army Reserve Training Command (Initial Entry Training), and the U.S. Army Drill Sergeant Academy. Paragraph 2-16 of this regulation is punitive. And don’t be caught by surprise in January when your paycheck is less than what you expected! The Chief, Army Reserve, has the authority to approve ex-ceptions to this regulation that are consis- ... Training of soldiers in a pay status • 3–25, page 20 Training of individual soldiers in a nonpay status • 3–26, page 20 Training projects • … • For orders of 1-7 days, the Soldier must provide certification to the UA or RPAC to initiate pay. • Include name, SSN, mailing address, telephone number and attach documents demonstrating the error. The most common causes of debt are collection of bonuses and AD that was not performed. The effective dates of certain pay rates may differ from dates for various allotments and other pay entitlements. USAR PAM 37-1 Defense Joint Military Pay System – Reserve Component (DJMS-RC) Procedures Manual. Army Reserve Publications Manager Bonuses are paid either in lump sum or by installments. VA DC is paid to Soldiers with service-connected disabilities., Pay Tables for Military, Retired Military & Annuitants, and Civilian Employees. Special W2s or other tax statements are also produced for certain income such as loan repayment or savings deposit program and personally procured move travel reimbursement. The DoD FMR applies to all personnel traveling under orders funded by the DoD, including: Military members; Reserve component members; Civilian employees Army Reserve Soldiers may qualify for a bonus their affiliating, enlisting or reenlisting in the Army Reserve. VOLUME 7A: “ MILITARY PAY POLICY - ACTIVE DUTY AND RESERVE PAY ” UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (COMPTROLLER) 2BDoD 7000.14 -R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 1 *May 2020 . Soldiers may request payment of unused leave upon release from AD or elect to carryover the leave to a future AD period of 30 or more days. The propo-nent has the authority to approve excep-tions or waivers to this regulation that are consistent with controlling law and regu-lations. All Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act requests can be emailed to USARC FOIA . Proponent and exception authority. Army Reserve Soldiers performing AD of 30 or more days accrue 2.5 days of leave each 30 days (or ½ day for every 6 days of duty). Some of these factors are type, length, and location of the duty. 1-1 . Soldiers on AD may qualify for additional entitlements such as Family separation Allowances (FSA), Cost of Living Allowance (COLA), special and incentive pay, Clothing Monetary Allowance (CMA), Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA), Hostile Fire Pay (HFP), Imminent Danger Pay (IDP) or Hardship Duty Pay (HDP).
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