23 examples: Notice also that neither of the two has a bare infinitive analogue. pedicles arise secondary outgrowths, at first covered with skin, which (owing to the growth of a ring of bone at the base arresting the flow of blood) eventually dries up and leaves bare bone incapable of further growth. portion of the island the trade winds, driving through the channel between Maui and Molokai, sweep the rocks bare. The feeling of his bare body against hers terrified her; he was strong enough to do what Donovan had not! The lower ridges of the frontier mountain system are usually bare and treeless, but here and there, as in the Kaitu valley, in northern Waziristan and round Kaniguram in the south, are forest clad and enclose narrow but fertile and well-irrigated dales. Some people may well have heard the phrase “bear with me”, especially as it’s one often used in casual … The quartzites here form bare white cones and ridges, notably in Errigal and Aghla Mt. Here is bare used in some example sentences: She liked to walk with bare feet when the pavement had been Why don't you curl up on the couch and get your bare feet off this cold floor? The general working of the great machine was now laid bare, and it needed a further advance of knowledge to bring a fresh set of problems within reach of investigation. She must anatomise and skin you, absolutely lay your feelings bare. He is Being fed by tributaries which for the most part drain narrow valleys where gradual denudation has washed bare the flat-backed slopes of limestone ridges, and which consequently send down torrents of rapidly accumulating rainfall, both these central lines of water-course are liable to terrific floods. Nothing is provided by the society except the bare lodging, and the fees of a visiting physician. She rose unsteadily and … Of him also nothing is really known except the bare facts of his reign and of his comparative success in consolidating the kingdom known as "of Galicia" or "of Oviedo" during the weakness of the Omayyad princes of Cordova. It is found that in densely wooded districts furs are darker in colour than in exposed regions, and that the quality of wool and hair is softer and more silky than those from bare tracts of country, where nature exacts from its creatures greater efforts to secure food, thereby developing stronger limbs and a consequently coarser body covering. 5. Little is known beyond the bare fact that such movement does take place. In the New Year the bare twigs make a bright tracery above clumps of snowdrops and yellow winter aconites. The passages in which these things are laid bare by Paul's remorseless analysis of his own experience "under Law" seem to have made practically no impression on the Apostolic Fathers as a whole. The shed at Hugson's Siding was bare save for an old wooden bench, and did not look very inviting. The sandy, coastal plain, with a width of 12 to 18 m., is nearly bare of vegetation. Justinian's ecclesiastical policy was so complex and varying that it is impossible within the limits of this article to do more than indicate its bare outlines. The trees usually grow very close together, the slender trunks rising to a great height bare of branches; but they do not attain the size of the Norway spruce, being seldom taller than 60 or 70 ft., with a diameter of 12 or 2 ft. "Bare" does make it into at least one common expression. . His intrigues with the French were laid bare, and he was given an opportunity of adhering to the new subsidiary system. Passing now to the later schoolmen, a bare mention must be made of Thomas Aquinas, who elaborately argues for the absolute creation of the world out of nothing, and of Albertus Magnus, who reasons against the Aristotelian idea of the past eternity of the world. From 970 to 772 B.C. Three brethren are we, and sons of Cronus, sons whom Rhea bare, even Zeus and myself, and Hades is the third, the ruler of the people in the underworld. wide, and divided in the middle by the Britannia Rock, bare at low water. His large hands slid down her bare arms and settled on her hips, drawing her against his body. In all their negotiations with Ormonde and Glamorgan, Henrietta Maria and the earl of Bristol, the pope and Rinuccini stood out for an arrangement which would have destroyed the royal supremacy and established Romanism in Ireland, leaving to the Anglicans bare toleration, and to the Presbyterians not even that. The sight of his muscular, bare torso made her heart flop in her chest. This coat is open in front, leaving the chest bare. The hot season throughout this part of the country is rendered more trying by frequent dust storms and fiery winds; whilst the bare rocky ridges that traverse the country, absorbing heat by day and radiating it by night, render the summer nights most oppressive. She had once again donned the white dress, and the hem touched the tops of her bare feet. His breathing changed and he moved, kissing her bare shoulder before he spoke. In California, however, there is a permanent race if not a good species, P. nuttalli, easily distinguishable by its yellow bill and the bare yellow skin round its eyes; on two occasions in the year 1867 a bird apparently similar was observed in Great Britain (Zoologist, ser. Of its origin and early history we have no record except the bare statement of Bede that its settlers were of the Old Saxon race. The night air was chilly on her bare arms and she shivered involuntarily, annoyed at herself because it looked like an obvious ploy. While they drove past the garden the shadows of the bare trees often fell across the road and hid the brilliant moonlight, but as soon as they were past the fence, the snowy plain bathed in moonlight and motionless spread out before them glittering like diamonds and dappled with bluish shadows. Bare has several definitions. The governor may veto bills passed by the General Assembly, but to override his veto the vote of only a bare majority of the members elected to each house is required. As a noun, a bear is a large, furry mammal. The introduction of new plants, which made it possible to dispense with the bare fallow, and still later the application to husbandry of scientific discoveries as to soils, plant constituents and manures, brought about a revolution in farming. The bright green of the fields, the reddish-brown or dull green of the great river, contrasting with the bare yellow rocks, seen beneath a brilliant sun and a deep-blue sky, present views of great beauty. It is most difficult to appreciate aright this man of fervid imagination, of powerful and persistent convictions, of unbated honesty and love of truth, of keen insight into the errors (as he thought them) of his time, of a merciless will to lay bare these errors and to reform the abuses to which they gave rise, who in an instant offends us by his boasting, his grossness, his want of selfrespect. Adis Ababa stands on the southern slopes of the Entotto range, at an altitude of over 8000 ft., on bare, grassy undulations, watered by small streams flowing S.S.E. The treelessness of the prairies cannot be due to insufficient time for tree invasion since glacial evacuation; for forests cover the rocky uplands of Canada, which were occupied by ice for ages after the prairies were laid bare. On the bare wooden floor in the dusty attic, Leo taps. "It doesn't look very homelike," said Dorothy, gazing around at the bare room. To Descartes, who made extension the sole essential property of matter, and matter a necessary condition of extension, the bare existence of bodies apparently at a distance was a proof of the existence of a continuous medium between them. The inhabitants were unable to withstand the attacks of the disciplined Zulu warriors - or Matabele, as they were henceforth called - by whom large areas of central and western Transvaal were swept bare. She wore the Grecian style gown of Hell: secured around her neck by a loose band, it draped over her curves and pooled at her feet, leaving her arms, shoulders and back bare to the hips. The north-east corner of the lake is flat and bare. The town lies in a bare district on the slope and flat summit of an abrupt elevation, higher ground rising to the north and south across the river. For this last patent he, by a settlement following a recovery suffered, gave the king and his heirs male Berkeley Castle and all that remained to him of his ancestors' lands, enjoying for his two remaining years a bare life interest. Till the 10th day of the pilgrimage month the Ka`ba is bare. This, when adult, is readily distinguishable from the ordinary bird by the absence of the blush from its plumage, and by the curled feathers that project from and overhang each side of the head, which with some difference of coloration of the bill, pouch, bare skin round the eyes and irides give it a wholly distinct expression. But his son-in-law Robert Sandeman added a distinctive doctrine as to the nature of faith which is thus stated on his tombstone: "That the bare death of Jesus Christ without a thought or deed on the part of man, is sufficient to present the chief of sinners spotless before God.". In the mountain region the soil is mostly a sandy loam composed of disintegrated granitic gneiss and organic matter; on the lower and more gentle slopes as well as in the valleys this is generally deep enough for a luxuriant vegetable growth but on the upper and more precipitous slopes it is thin, or the rocks are entirely bare. The verbal form of bear is commonly confused with bare. 2. Above it are some bare rocky hillocks, picturesquely studded with pagodas. His bare back had lost muscle tone while he was in the hospital, but he wasn't as thin as she had first thought. The bear tried to eat the food from our camp. These conditions are satisfied in English Miles o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 £30 Peaks Passes Glaciers Land above 1500 feet left white Emery Walker sG As very little snow can rest on rocks that lie at an angle exceeding 60°, and this is soon removed by the wind, some steep masses of rock remain bare even near the summits of the highest peaks, but as almost every spot offering the least hold for vegetation is covered with snow, few flowering plants are seen above ii,000 ft. The Apsheron peninsula is dry and bare of vegetation; but within it are situated the famous petroleum wells of Baku. Usage Note on bear Synonym Discussion of bare. English Language Learners Definition of bare (Entry 2 of 2), See the full definition for bare in the English Language Learners Dictionary, Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for bare, Nglish: Translation of bare for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of bare for Arabic Speakers. 4. The conference room was plain, the white walls bare, the harsh lighting and round conference table centered.

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