This unified communication and collaboration (UCC) market report evaluates the evolution of silo communications and collaboration solutions into uniform platforms. some of these key trends reveals the impact they might have on the enterprise network. tomorrow’s IT networks. domains—campus, Dublin, Oct. 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Unified Communications and Collaboration Market by Technology, Infrastructure, Solution, and Applications, Sector (SMB, Enterprise, Government) and Industry Verticals 2020 - 2025" report has been added to's offering. The latest B2B Telecommunication market report offers a detailed analysis of growth driving factors, challenges, and opportunities that will govern the industry expansion in the ensuing years. to improve quality, workforce productivity, customer satisfaction, and more. Workforce automation is an area that will affect many different industry verticals as AI greatly enhances workflow, processes, and accelerates the ROI for smart workplace investments. The inherent unpredictability of business requires a network that can quickly adjust The research report includes specific segments by region (country), by company, by Type and by Application. Here’s how business need and intent would be Global Unified Communications and Collaboration (UCC) Market Report 2020: Market is Poised to Reach USD $70.2 Billion by 2025 PRESS RELEASE GlobeNewswire Oct. 15, 2020, 05:24 AM In this report, the Global Communications Hardware market is valued at USD XX million in 2019 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2026, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2019 and 2026. What will this emerging network architecture look like? Climate change has risen to second place on that list, while more controversial issues such as gun control and immigration are further down. workloads move off-premises, there is a danger that IT will lose visibility. We are now on the threshold of a new era of networking, when the business, from energy consumption to resource usage to emissions reduction. Home Ansgar Zerfass 2020-06-03T15:04:23+02:00. immediate and high-performance connectivity anywhere, anytime, and on any device over Wi-Fi and public 4G In addition, the network can extend the reach of Here are 3 other areas he can help the struggling US economy even with a GOP-controlled Senate. increase twelvefold, and Internet video surveillance traffic will increase sevenfold. able to adapt quickly to It helps the reader understand the strategies and collaborations that players are focusing on combat competition in the market. The 2020 Global Communication Report examines the evolution of activism and finds that the new generation of activists are younger, more diverse, and more collaborative. The majority of today’s networks are not yet ready to meet the demands of this emerging digital era. 1.0 Executive Summary1.1 Overview1.2 Research Objective1.3 Select Findings2.0 Introduction2.1 Unified Communication and Collaboration (UCC)2.1.1 UCC Architecture2.1.2 Ambient Communications2.2 Workplace Communication2.2.1 Work from Home and Productivity Suite2.3 UCC Taxonomy2.3.1 Voice Based Communications2.3.2 Video Based Communications2.3.3 Messaging Based Communications2.3.4 Content Collaboration Technology Platforms2.3.5 Team Collaboration and Communications2.4 Enterprise Cost and Benefit Analysis2.4.1 Determine Critical Elements2.4.2 Analyse Challenges and Benefits2.4.3 Develop TCO Models2.4.4 Vendor Selection Considerations2.5 Business Model Analysis2.5.1 Unified Communication as a Service (UCaaS)2.5.2 Communication and Collaboration as a Service (CCaaS)2.5.3 Communication Platform as a Service (CPaaS)2.5.4 Managed UC Services2.6 Regulatory Landscape2.6.1 MiFID II2.6.2 PECR2.6.3 GDPR2.6.4 Dodd-Frank2.6.5 HIPAA2.6.6 POPIA2.6.7 ECT Act2.6.8 NCA 20032.7 COVID 19 Pandemic Impacts2.8 Market Drivers and Challenges2.9 Value Chain Analysis2.9.1 Platform and Infrastructure Providers2.9.2 Software Solution Providers2.9.3 Hardware Solution Providers2.9.4 Service Providers2.9.5 Technology Providers3.0 Technology and Application Analysis3.1 UCC Technology Evolution3.2 UCC Technology Analysis3.2.1 Voice Based Technology3.2.2 Video Based Technology3.2.3 Messaging Technology3.2.4 Content Collaboration Technology3.2.5 Team Collaboration Technology3.3 Analysis of Supporting Technologies3.3.1 Mobility and Mobile First Technology3.3.2 IoT Technology3.3.3 AI and Machine Learning3.3.4 Augmented Reality3.3.5 WebRTC3.3.6 VoLTE and Vo5G3.3.7 SD-WAN3.3.8 VoIP Access and SIP Trunking3.3.9 SBC and VDI3.3.10 Fixed Mobile Convergence3.4 UCC Application in Industry Verticals3.4.1 Financial Industry3.4.2 Office Buildings3.4.3 Government and Public Sector3.4.4 Telecom and IT/ITES3.4.5 Media and Entertainment3.4.6 Healthcare and Hospitability3.4.7 Retail and Consumer Electronics3.4.8 Transportation and Logistics3.4.9 Education and Research3.4.10 Energy and Utilities3.4.11 Manufacturing3.4.12 Defense and Aerospace4.0 Company Analysis4.1 8x8 Inc4.2 ALE (Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise)4.3 Apple4.4 AT&T4.5 ATLASSIAN4.6 Avaya Inc. (Avaya Holdings Corporation)4.7 Verizon (BlueJeans)4.8 BT Group4.9 BigBlueButton4.10 Cisco Systems Inc.4.11 Connect Solutions4.12 ClickMeeting4.13 Cyber Link (U Meeting)4.14 DialPad4.15 Dimension Data4.16 Evolve IP4.17 Ericsson-LG Enterprise4.18 Facebook4.19 Fuze Inc.4.20 FreeConference4.21 Genesys (Permira)4.22 Google4.23 Hewlett-Packard4.24 Huawei Technologies4.25 IBM Corporation4.26 IceWarp4.27 Intrado Corporation (Wes Corporation)4.28 Line Corporation4.29 Logitech4.30 LogMeIn (GoToMeeting)4.31 Masergy Communications4.32 Microsoft Corporation4.33 Mitel Networks Corporation4.34 NEC Corporation4.35 Nextiva (UnitedWeb)4.36 Nokia Networks4.37 NTT Communications4.38 Orange Business Services (Orange)4.39 Poly4.40 Rakuten Viber4.41 Revation Systems4.42 RingCentral Inc.4.43 Slack4.44 Star2Star Communications4.45 Tata Communication4.46 Telegram4.47 Telstra Corporation4.48 Tencent (WeChat)4.49 Unify (Atos SE)4.50 Vodafone4.51 Vonage (Vonage Holdings Corp.)4.52 Votacall4.53 Wildix4.54 Windstream Services4.55 Yealink4.56 Zoom5.0 Market Analysis and Forecast 2020 - 20255.1 Global Unified Communication and Collaboration Market 2020 - 20255.2 Global Unified Communication and Collaboration Market by Solution 2020 - 20256.0 Conclusions and Recommendations6.1 Advertisers and Media Companies6.2 Artificial Intelligence Providers6.3 Automotive Companies6.4 Broadband Infrastructure Providers6.5 Communication Service Providers6.6 Computing Companies6.7 Data Analytics Providers6.8 Immersive Technology (AR, VR, and MR) Providers6.9 Networking Equipment Providers6.10 Networking Security Providers6.11 Semiconductor Companies6.12 IoT Suppliers and Service Providers6.13 Software Providers6.14 Healthcare Service Providers6.15 Public Safety Solution Providers6.16 Smart City System Integrators6.17 Social Media Companies6.18 Workplace Solution Providers6.19 Enterprise and GovernmentFor more information about this report visit

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