And here I am, as of this morning, atop Notre Dame once more: I've seen theories online that the new patch has changed the draw distance—how far out you can see. I'm always on the fence, because I loved the Ezio games and Black Flag.
Assassin’s Creed Unity feels like the perfect starting point for gamers new to the series.
As a PC player, it's not so much the bugs that are the issue, it's the game's performance. The Dead Kings DLC was a little less of a pain. If Assassin's Creed: Unity was on your radar in 2014, but you stayed away, I'm here to tell you it’s time to give it a second chance. Or maybe that’s unrelated, and it’s actually players feeling … Again, hard to tell. Ubisoft said as much when explaining why the game's latest patch was so large: "Part of the team's effort to enhance frame rate for players involves replacing and updating portions of the Paris city map where we are seeing issues.".
The upcoming "Dead Kings" expansion pack for Assassin's Creed Unity will be free for all players,…. Assassin's Creed Unity Is Actually Pretty Good Now. Regardless, if you have any white papers or powerpoints on the topic, I'd be pretty interested. I'm wearing gray in the day one shots and purple in the capture from this morning): Supposedly, some of the Unity's virtual Paris has changed.
Also, those chests that people complained about at launch now act as normal chests, just with a different icon and different rewards. But I'm interested in what state the game is in now, like if they've fixed the bugs and if it would be worthwhile picking up?
If there are Unity players out there who have spotted big differences, please let me know.
Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just with the goal of entertaining viewers. I would venture a guess that the bottleneck wasn't the draw calls (a lot of the npc's could have been instanced) but was more on the collision side. The PC version of Unity requires a pretty hefty rig to run, and an even heftier one is recommended. As someone who's played nearly every AC game, I found Unity disappointing. User Info: Cheth7. Sure, the game launched with a non-functional Initiates service and a busted Companion App.
That said, those of you who have access to this will find that Unity on PC looks even better than its console brethren thanks to being able to run at resolutions above 900p, enhanced textures, and (hardware permitting) a much higher frame rate than the locked 30fps of the Xbox One and PS4. Arno's story, as per usual, has nothing to do with what comes in further sequels whatsoever.
You've heard, after all, that ACU was a mess. Has it? If this email address is not valid, or you no longer have access to it, you can update your account details at or visit to open a support ticket. The main assassination contracts (that I've played) seem far more open ended with side objectives and more routes to attack them from. Also the game has absolutely zero impact on any modern day plot that there's left, which some people probably enjoy, but I seriously miss having a modern day thread.
The customization is pretty great too, and Unity had the most Legacy outfits of any AC, so you can … What does "runs poorly" mean here? Many people say it's shit. If so, please let me know! Assassin’s Creed Unity leverages the new-generation consoles to add spectacular new sights and successful co-op multiplayer, but in doing so, … There's no doubt that Assassin's Creed Unity had technical problems, otherwise Ubisoft wouldn't have apologized for the game's performance and issued a series of ever-larger patches. Granted this was my first AC game so I have no way of comparing it to the others. I've always been a massive fanboy of the assassins creed franchise (yes I even liked 3) but I never got unity because i didn't have a ps4 until recently and after seeing how bad the launch was, I guess I'm glad i didn't. I'd love to see them, and it might help us all get a better understanding about what in the world happened with this game.
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