Erica Wang | HookfangMeatlugHiccup Horrendus Haddock IIIToothlessAstrid HoffersonStormflyFishlegs IngermanRuffnut and Tuffnut ThorstonStoick †GobberBarf and BelchHeatherWindshearViggo Grimborn †BoneknapperSkrill Whispering Death Alvin the TreacherousMalaAtaliDagur the DerangedValkaValka's Bewilderbeast †EretLight FuryOther friends Legend of the Boneknapper DragonBook of DragonsGift of the Night FuryDawn of the Dragon Racers It is shown that Hookfang does hold some affection for his owner, but Snotlout's immaturity and idiocy leaves him holding disrespect (mimicking Snotlout's "respect" for him). ATTENTION : risque d’étouffement en raison de petites pièces qui peuvent être avalées! Weaver | Kowalski | In film series, he is voiced by … Then Snotlout and Hookfang join the other dragons and trainers as they rode into the sky. Alan Abernathy | Hobby Light Fury | In TV series, he is voiced by Zack Pearlman. Friends/Allies Captain Smek | He tries on several occasions to flirt with her through various means, such as by "impressing" her with his strength or "ability to block out the sun", though he fails each time. Garby | Goals Corporal | Bullwinkle J. Moose | ATTENTION : Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 36 mois! Sea Hawk | Hiccup was given the chance and instead, tries to connect to him and show the Vikings that dragons are not monsters, but after an outburst from Stoick, he becomes startled and begins to attack Hiccup in defense, until Toothless comes and protects his friend from the much bigger dragon, having no difficulty in subduing the enemy. Thace | Queen Tuya | Chief Tannabok | Miguel | Boss Baby | Mala | Hookfang was kept prisoner at dragon training and the top of the dragon training class would've had the 'honor' of killing him. In Cast Out Part I and Cast Out Part II, He and his rider disobey a direct order that causes Astrid to get hurt. The Vikings stare at the dragon in amazement. Metro Man | Stormfly | Sally | Wallace | Hookfang also gets distracted easily, like chasing a seagull or watching a leaf fall. Hookfang and Snotlout were each willing to risk their lives to protect each other from the Fireworm Queen. DreamWorks Dragons In When Darkness Falls, Hookfang and the other dragons then defended a flock of Night Terrors on Dragon's Edge against Changewings. Dreamworks Animation Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Tim Templeton | It is often implied throughout both series that Hookfang's disobedience and willingness to undermine Snotlout may partly be to keep his rider's overabundant ego and self-righteousness in check, as he often acts out when Snotlout attempts to assert his superiority over him or the others. Captain Underpants | Family They then went to the Screaming Death's Island. Voltron | Snotlout Jorgenson | It's shown that Hookfang did really care for Snotlout, proving this when he throws the Fireworm gel instead of consuming it, to save Snotlout from getting killed by the Fireworm Queen when he stole Fireworm gel to save Hookfang's life. Training dragons When Hiccup starts doing well in Dragon Training, Snotlout quickly joins the ranks of his adoring fans. In Race to Fireworm Island, Hookfang was shown to be train very hard by Snotlout as he was told by his father "Rest is for the weak" made his dragon sick when Hookfang's flame goes out due to exhaustion, it put his life at risk. Varvatos Vex | Lars Smuntz | His color of his skin became much brighter of scarlet and lost his stripes, become dark spots. Po | Monkey | Yocheved | Peng | Background information Bunty | Lenny | Hookfang was very eager to catch the regular sheep before Toothless could get it in the sea but was unsuccessful. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Hookfang is one of the the main characters of the How to Train Your Dragon franchise. George Beard | Shrek | Gobber | Hookfang | Angie | Stoick | 18 novembre, Les frais d‘envoi ou de paiement à la livraison. Do-Gooder Entrapta | Despite their bond, he wasn't willing to die alongside Snotlout by getting buried alive. Heather | Crane | Doris the Ugly Stepsister | Ton-Ton | His hand did happen to loosen slightly as the pain faded from his arm. General Warren R. Monger | Snotlout and Hookfang, Jouets de construction, (5 an(s), Garçon/Fille, Multicolore, Pas pour les enfants de moins de 36 mois, 400 mm, 360 mm), Livraison entre mar. Princess Fiona | When Hiccup brings Hookfang closer to the others, he grabs Snotlout's arm so he can touch the dragon. After Silent Sven had broken his silence. Lout (by Hiccup)Boy-oSir UlgerthorpeMaster SnotloutSnotmanLittle manAnnoying narratorBoulder boyLover boy"Sweetie pie""Honey punch"Snotty-kins (Astrid)Boar brother (by Ruffnut)NotloutSnotSir Snots-a-LotSnottersSnotmasterSnotty (by Tuffnut)SnothatSnotheadSnotfaceSnotpocketSnotlipSnotholeSnotnoseSnotragSnotpit Archer | Until his rider was excited about his new invention, the sheep launcher, Hookfang was happy for him and was getting ready for another race with other dragons and their riders. Eva | Enemies In Snotlout Gets the Axe, Hookfang then assisted Snotlout in retrieving the Jorgenson Ceremonial Axe from the Armorwing, Bandit. Shrek Heroes, Main King Julien XIII | Zephyr Haddock | Swift Wind | Azteca | Together, Hookfang and Toothless were able to rescue the riders and their dragons. However, after Snotlout and the other riders brought the Smothering Smokebreaths to free the axe, Hookfang then defended the Armorwing against the Smokebreaths. When it is seen that Hiccup and Toothless have defeated the Red Death but Hiccup is no where to be found, everyone is upset. Minden, Movie She-Ra | In the books he is deceased while in the movies he's alive. Hookfang | Chel | He's seen along with Snotlout, pouring water on Gobber's house, in an effort to put out the fire. However, they saw that it was actually a pack of wild dragons from Forest Island. Later, Hookfang and his rider caused an accident with Astrid by slamming themselves into each other which caused Astrid to break her arm. Dragon Species: Night Fury • Deadly Nadder • Gronckle • Monstrous Nightmare • Hideous Zippleback • Typhoomerang • Thunderdrum • Hotburple • Fireworm • Scauldron • Whispering Death • Smothering Smokebreath • Changewing • Screaming Death • Fireworm Queen • Flightmare • Skrill • Lead Stinger • Speed Stingers • Stormcutter • Bewilderbeast • Seashocker • Razorwhip, How to Train Your Dragon 2: For The Dancing And The Dreaming • Where No One Goes • Into A Fantasy However, Hookfang and the other dragons were then infected with Grimora leeches. Maurice | Book of Dragons Gift of the Night Fury. Frosta | Gia | Ezor | In Viking for Hire, Hookfang is shown to disobey and neglect Snotlout (the only Viking from the main cast that can't control his dragon). Snotlout Gary Jorgenson Hookfang is there after Snotlout and his father have 'words.' Other than this, Hookfang did not make any further appearances in the short film. Skipper | Meatlug | Bow | How to Train Your Dragon Ironically, Snotlout is terrified enough to prepare a broken end of a spear as a weapon, in case Hookfang starts attacking, but Astrid nudges him to put it down. Night Light Hatchlings | Tulio | Tuffnut Thorston | In Crash Course, Hoofang and Snotlout then assisted the Fireworm queen in fighting the Cavern Crasher. Dr. Cockroach | However, he was caught by their steel ropes. How to Train Your DragonHow to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (upcoming) He's even the one to fly Hiccup back home with the other dragons and their hatchlings. Megamind | Glimmer | Spitelout Jorgenson (father) Burnish, Live-Action Movies King Harold | Donkey | Eret | Eyes still closed, his head was wrapped around only four words. Kanjigar the Courageous | Melman | Sid | Video games: How to Train Your Dragon, Spin-off Characters: Dagur the Deranged • Mala • Heather • Heather's Parents • Atali • Gustav Larson • Minden • Bucket • Mulch • Silent Sven • Trader Johann • Alvin the Treacherous • Viggo Grimborn • Ryker Grimborn • Mildew • Captain Vorg • Krogan Cloudjumper | Other than this, Hookfang did not make any further appearances in the short film. In To Heather or Not to Heather, Hookfang then took part in defending the Nadder migration from the Dragon Hunters. Rocket J. Squirrel | Ty Rux | This shows that the two are very close. Mr. Ping | At first he was unsuccessful. Short Fuse | In A Grim Retreat, Hookfang, the other dragons, and their riders then went the Island of Friga for a vacation. The Missing Link | Mac | Yi | Chet | Puss in Boots | He was able to use his tail whip on Meatlug to release the sheep so Snotlout can have it. Together, they were able to force Ryker's hunters and Dagur's Berserkers to retreat. Dragon Characters: Toothless • Stormfly • Meatlug • Barf and Belch • Hookfang • Cloudjumper • Skullcrusher • Grump • Red Death • Toothless' Rival • Scauldy • Bing, Bam and Boom • Windshear • Shattermaster • Valka's Bewilderbeast • Drago's Bewilderbeast • Torch • Thornado • Light Fury Princess Poppy | Or, it was just a matter of time before I gave in to the urge to have Hookfang comfort Snotlout after a punishment. Marty | However, when they attempted to free the riders and their dragons, Hookfang was then hit with the Hunters' arrows. Catra | Team Voltron (Shiro, Keith, Lance, Pidge, Allura & Hunk) | Throk | B.O.B. Jin | Ernie Smuntz | Madagascar Heroes | Sierra | The Boov (Officer Kyle) | In Defiant One, He also seems to take callous pleasure in making Snotlout scream when they are out for a flying ride. Arthur Pendragon | Snotlout Gary Jorgenson is one of the two tritagonists (alongside Hookfang) of the How to Train Your Dragon franchise. Together, they then tried to drive the Singetail away from the island to no avail. MeatlugHiccup Horrendus Haddock IIIToothlessAstrid HoffersonStormflyFishlegs IngermanRuffnut and Tuffnut ThorstonStoick †GobberBarf and BelchHeatherWindshearViggo Grimborn †BoneknapperSkrill Whispering Death Alvin the TreacherousMalaAtaliDagur the DerangedValkaValka's Bewilderbeast †EretLight FuryOther friends, Boneknapper (formerly)SavageAlvin the Treacherous (formerly)Dagur the Deranged (formerly)Skrill (formerly) Whispering Death (formerly) Viggo Grimborn (formerly) †Ryker Grimborn †Krogan †Northern AllianceDrago Bludvist †Drago's BewilderbeastNorthern AllianceEret (formerly)Deathgrippers †Grimmel the Grisly †Other enemies.
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