Blue: (Barks We've Got to Bring The Baby Fox Home to His Mommy! Map: Ooh!, You're Gonna Have Baby Fox Home in No Time!, We Made It Past The Volcano!, Check!, We Ran, and Ran, and Jumped Through The Forest of Prickers and Thorns!, Check!, Where Do We Go Next? Dora would say “Swiper no swiping” to stop Swiper from stealing. Dora: I Don't Know!, Maybe We Should Ask for Help! ?oldid=78075, "That sneaky fox is always trying to swipe our stuff!" (Swiper puts Baby Fox in the baby carrier), (Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, Dora, Boots, and Swiper almost make it to the volcano). the first two times and say it normally the last time. Dora: We Have to Hurry!, We Have to Help Swiper! Usually, this is a way to teach the audience a lesson about the importance of communication, and sometimes it stands as a testament to the hero's badassery, but just as often it's Played for Laughs due to the sheer unlikelihood of the idea. ), the Empire didn't really persecute the magi of RKS at all but actually wanted Iris dead as Iris was planning to have RKS fight against the Empire, an inversion, where the villain gets the hero to betray his allies, strike first against him before he could come after them, humans infected with nanobots that tried to repair them but didn't know what exactly a human was, Since disobeying the queen is unthinkable, Dora the Explorer: The Search for the Infinity Orb, Dora the Explorer and the Destiny Medallion, repeatedly chanting the trope name at him, "You're going to clean this place until it looks better than when you arrived. (Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, Dora, Boots, and Swiper made it to the volcano). Swiper is always saying "Oh, man!" What you are doing is wrong!! The villain is merely told to stop his Evil Plan, and he does. It means either that it's not finished yet, or it doesn't have enough information. Not only just Dora and Boots are the only ones stopping Swiper, there are some episodes their friends stop him with them. He would steal (or “swipe away”) things from Dora. Can ask simple questions and can understand simple answers. There are some episodes Dora and Boots stop Swiper and him swiping from them at the same time. "; sometimes, however, Swiper gets to the item before Dora has a chance to repeat the phrase. Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, Dora, Boots, Swiper, and Diego: Corre, Corre, Saltar!, Corre, Corre, Saltar! Mrs. Pepper: And Our Favorite Part Was When Swiper Brought The Bottle Back to Baby Fox! Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, Dora, and Boots: (Singing) We Did It! Boots: How are We Going to Get Away from The Chasey Bats, The Wacky Crows, and The Scurry-Scurry Spiders? Benny: Hmm, Maybe!, Here!, Let's Look!, I've Got Salami, Egg Salad, Ham on Rye, Hmm, I Thought I Packed A Carton of Milk!, Do You See A Carton of Milk? again. (Swiper picks up Baby Fox) Swiper: You're A Cutie!, Yes, You Are!, Dooby … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, Dora, and Boots: (Singing) Bye!, Ba-Bye!, See Ya Lata!, Sweet Potata! Map: Well, I Know How to Get to His Mommy!, First, We Have to Go Past The Volcano! Diego: Sure!, My Field Journal Will Know!, My Field Journal Has All Sorts of Stuff About Animals!, First, We Have to Find The Forest of Prickers and Thorns!, Which Forest is The Forest of Prickers and Thorns? "If you see Swiper (the fox)/him, say/yell, "Swiper!" However, if handled poorly (which is usually the case) the viewer may left thinking, "Worst!

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