These questions develop and extend those above developing language as appropriate: Why is there a dress code for coming to the synagogue? The front of a synagogue faces towards Jerusalem in Israel. In some synagogues men and women sit in different places. There have always been differences of opinion regarding belief and practice in our tradition. In the front is the holiest part of the synagogue, the Ark. endstream endobj startxref It is not compulsory for women to attend a Mosque but they may do so if they wish. Aside from youth programs and religious schools, many synagogues have women’s groups, adult education seminars, leadership opportunities, social justice programs and, of course, worship experiences. Wudu area – Every mosque has an area where a person can carry out ablution (washing) before performing prayers. The Torah is the word of God. KS2 February/beginning of March – continue to expand Islam and Judaism Jew Demonstrate some understanding of the special place of the home in Jewish family life. Could be used to learn about the Torah and help to understand how it is treated with respect. Key figures . Is it more important to be honest in your business or to attend the synagogue every Shabbat? Ask children to write down rules for visitors to a Mosque. There are 5 main areas in a Mosque as listed below. Focus: Children make sense of information. Ask children to prepare questions that they can ask or choose a selection of questions prior to visit. It is never too soon to be a part of the Jewish community. What is the role of the mikveh? We uplift our unique stories. Key Stage 1 - Year 1, Year 2 » Subjects » RE » Judaism Primary Resources » Powerpoints Cymru/Wales » English-Medium Schools » Progression Step 2 » Humanities » Religion, Values and Ethics Scotland (CfE) » First » Religious and Moral Education » World religions » Judaism The second click will look behind the purple synagogue to see why that object is special. A synagogue is a place where Jews meet to worship and pray to God. There will be some offices. As a dynamic and inclusive community, we embrace modernity, yet are rooted in tradition. There are 5 main areas in a Mosque as listed below. ... Keep the model Torah in a special place in the classroom for role-play opportunities. It is compulsory for men to attend the mosque for Friday prayers. KEY STAGE 1 Mid-term planning. God is the Creator . The word "synagogue" comes from sunagoge, which is a Greek word. Every synagogue has a raised platform called the “Bimah”. Support from more able partners in mixed ability work. Myth #2: Synagogues are only for families, not for singles like me. The synagogue—one of Judaism’s most ancient institutions—continues to provide for the spiritual, communal and educational needs of every generation of Jews.   |   KS1 January – Presentation of Jesus at the Temple/Jewish - KS2 Jew Recognise and reflect upon the importance of the Synagogue in Jewish life. We urge you to enter our doors and experience our progressive and contemporary Jewish community. What are the names of special places and features in a place of worship? A Jewish girl compares worshipping at home to worshipping at the synagogue. Some Jews call the synagogue a temple. It is written by hand in Hebrew on a parchment scroll and read in synagogue every week. In a synagogue, Jews carry out the Jewish services, which consist of prayers, sometimes with special actions.. A synagogue will usually have a large room for prayers. In Hebrew, a synagogue is called beit knesset, which means, a "house of gathering". KS1 Year 1-Unit 6. Some synagogues have a separate room or torah study, this is called the "beth midrash" meaning house of study. What is the reason for the Torah Scroll to be written without vowels when the Chumash (the printed version of the Torah) does have vowels? A Jewish family visits the synagogue on Saturday morning to observe Shabbat. The Reform movement and its synagogues are the spiritual and communal homes for the largest number of Jews in North America. He brought with him a new Jewish orientation emerging in Central and Western Europe to Reform Judaism—that is, to introduce modifications to make Judaism relevant and meaningful in an emerging modern society. When Jews pray why do they pray to the G-d of Abraham, the G-d of Isaac and the G-d of Jacob (first paragraph of the Amidah)?

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