You can help the Assassin's Creed Wiki by uploading better images on this page. The Agamemnon Set is obtainable by defeating all Silver Vein Cultist League. Hey guys, I'm at the end of the base game and I have two significant missions left.One is "Where it all Began" which is where I assume I fight Deimos and the other is "A Fresh Start" which is kill the only Cultist left (not counting Deimos I guess) aka The Ghost of Kosmos. Killing Cultists will also alter the ending of the game depending on the number of Cultists you were able to kill. Daughters of Artemis and Daughters of Aphrodite, Each League member will have a weapon or a piece of Legendary Armor that hails from a specific set. This armor's unique perk allows all your arrows to pierce enemy shields, making it an ideal set for bow & arrow enthusiasts. *Offensive, insulting or inappropriate use of forum may lead to ban/restriction. The images ceased, and Kassandra withdrew her hand. The Broken Spear Of Leonidas - Overview & Upgrades. Upon eliminating all members of The Eyes of Kosmos League, you will be able to collect the Snake Set and weapon. (Requires previous Flirt choice) This article is in need of more images and/or better quality pictures in order to achieve a higher status. Kassandra plunged the spear into the center of the artifact. All members of this Cultist League can be found aboard powerful ships. There is still a lot to do in Assassins Creed Odyssey, there are bounties, side-quest, etc you can play and explore the massive open world of this game. These branches represent the different Leagues of Cultists each having a specific set of Legendary Gears, while the circle represents the Leaders of the Cult; owning an unique legendary item. Once you gain a favorable enough reputation with the people, you will be able to unmask the Cultist in your menu. 422 BCE The Cult of Kosmos member are divided into multiple Leagues. was chosen). Assassin's Creed Odyssey is a massive game. If you don't let Gergis go, you'll have to kill him. Kassandra marched towards it. An image of Kyra and Kassandra at the funeral pyre of Podarkes also flashed in her mind. Cultists are a secret group within Assassin's Creed Odyssey that are working behind the scenes to control Ancient Greece. Be sure to not attract any unwanted attention toward you when closing the distance between you and the Cultist. Kassandra unveiled the Ghost of Kosmos, the Cult's deposed leader, and learned of her role in the preceding events and the goal she sought. Upgrading the Spear of Leonidas will grant it more power, and will allow you to unlock more skills from your Skill Tree. A Fresh Start Deimos kills Myrine! Now that the Cultist's identity, and location has been revealed, it's time for you to go and eliminate them through any means necessary. Hey guys, I'm at the end of the base game and I have two significant missions left. You will first encounter the Cultists during the third episode of the main storyline in Assassin's Creed. There is a clue as to where the Cultist is operating from the page that shows them while they are masked. Find out about those who worship Kosmos, how to unmask them, how to eliminate them, & more. Source Just like Missions, Cultists will have a recommended level for when you can face them. I'll say I did suspect Aspasia for a while, with the things that happen when the plague strikes and Perikles is dead. Designed similarly to the Armor of Ares, the Spartan War Hero Set augments player's Warrior Ability damage output by 15%, making them ever more powerful. Revealing their identity, and exact location. Named after an infamous Persian warriors of the same name, the Immortal Set allows its wearer to cheat death once every 2 minutes, by healing 20% of their health upon being killed. This armor set focuses on augmenting your Poison attacks. Please review our submission rules and spoiler policy before posting - spoilers must be correctly flaired. Kassandra entered the main sanctuary. Here are some things to remember when hunting down and eliminating Cultists. Being the first group of Cultist you encounter, you will have to take down Elpenor for your very first Cultist kill in the Story. Check to see if you will be able to face them at your current level. I would say finish the cultist quest line first because the family ending is more like a real ending. Historical information All Rights Reserved..All trademarks, character and/or image used in this article are the copyrighted property of their respective owners.▶Assassin's Creed Odyssey Official Website. Same with my brother but he ended up having to kill Deimos after he/she killed Myrinne. This will reward you with a new Cultist Clue, Quest Items, and Legendary Gear! Another eagle soared above a bridge leading to a massive tower. To avoid griefing, you will not be able to post or report for the first %d hours upon visiting this forum for the first time. Main Quest Complete Walkthrough Now Available! Assassin's Creed Odyssey has three main storylines and nine different endings: good, neutral, and bad. We Remember By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. The final image to enter Kassandra's mind showed her in an unfamiliar garb, holding a staff, and handing it to a woman in an equally-strange garb. Eliminating her will provide more clues for other member of the Cult. If there was never an Order of the Ancients, Bayek wouldn't have had a reason to go on the raging killing spree that leads to the creation of the assassins. I'm sure there's no right or wrong answer but I'm curious to know if anyone has an opinion on this. Opening your Cultist tab in the menu will show you different Cultists. Sanctuary of Delphi, Phokis, Greece Once you've eliminated all the Cultists in your list, the quest "A Fresh Start" will begin. Cookies help us deliver our Services. (C) 2018 Ubisoft Entertainment. Please be advised that we may not reply to every individual feedbacks. *Offensive, insulting or inappropriate use of forum may lead to ban/restriction. The two kissed. Track down other members by clearing side quests in each respective region. Seeing as Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is intended to motivate the player to throw out the stealth practice previous games gave, it’s more fun to use Alexios to … This set focuses on enhancing your Fire attack capabilities, making it easier to set your targets on fire and deal more DoT damage. Appearance He will not be a big challenge for you. Assassin's Creed: Odyssey I later dismissed it and suspected Pythagoras instead, but then the clues made it clear it was a female, which left me a bit on the fence. NSFW and illegal content promotion are STRICTLY prohibited. Welcome to the Assassin's Creed Odyssey subreddit! Maybe you can avoid my mistake. You will need to first rise in the ranks of the Arena in order to fight him. Beaing able to equip Legendary Gear will allow you to become stronger, and get through the story more easily. Belos, a member of this league can only be found in the higher rank in Arena. GameWith uses cookies and IP addresses. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. was chosen), (If "I can't believe you're one of them." EDIT: It seems that the choices you make during the Doing Time mission influence the end more than anything. As such, Odyssey is packed full of stories. Kassandra looked away and stepped back. Truthfully, there hasn't been a game quite this massive since The Witcher 3, save for maybe Horizon: Zero Dawn and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. What pisses me off is that I played the whole game by using guides to get the most "happy end" ending and what happens? He addressed her directly, as if knowing she would view this vision. After finding out their general area, it's time to head there. No matter your choice in dealing with Aspasia, you'll still receive the final piece of the Demigod set - Aspasia's Circlet. By clicking Submit you are agreeing to the Terms of Use. Date Assassin's Creed Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Kassandra travelled to the Sanctuary of Kosmos to confront the last remaining member of the Cult of Kosmos. Though its fragments had been long separated, the beams of light converged into the shape of a pyramid and seemingly invited Kassandra. As the pyramid continued to glow and flash its strange numbers and letters, the familiar voice of a woman called to Kassandra from the side. Kassandra stepped up to Aspasia. Maybe you can avoid my mistake. One of the member, Epiktetos will be beaten to death during the story arch; automatically eliminating him. 1 Description 2 Dialogue 3 Outcome 4 References Kassandra travelled to the Sanctuary of Kosmos to confront the last remaining member of the Cult of Kosmos. As the name suggests, some Cultists will be found near mines but be warned, several Cultists are levelled for late game. Before engaging in combat with them, remember to upgrade your ship's arsenal and crews. This set have different name depending on which character you are using, but both has the same traits. You need to go over to the body, and confirm the Cultist Kill. Your feedbacks will be checked by our staffs and will be attended to accordingly. However, some of them are masked. By clicking Submit you are agreeing to the Terms of Use. This was followed by an image of another eagle, soaring above a grand place of worship. To find them, she was called to the place where she learned of their existence. Try to complete most if not all the Side Quests available in that area. With one Cultist left alive, it was time for Kassandra to fulfill her vow. This armor set upgrades your Assassin Ability's damage output by 15%. Kassandra You will need to unmask these Cultists & reveal their identities before you can eliminate them. The Cultist may be in an area with lots of hostiles. When you are near the location of the Cultist, remember to scan the area using Ikaros in order to see the safest route you can take towards the Cultist. Check Out Starter Tips For Early Game Here, Check Out The Side Quest Walkthrough Here, ▶Assassin's Creed Odyssey Official Website. Previous One is "Where it all Began" which is where I assume I fight Deimos and the other is "A Fresh Start" which is kill the only Cultist left (not counting Deimos I guess) aka The Ghost of Kosmos. Talking about Aspasia. You can post anything directly related to Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Ancient Greece Discovery Tour. This is to avoid unnecessary fights, and lets you get the jump on the Cultists for more damage! As she followed the path into the core of the sanctuary, she heard her mother's voice. Learn everything you need to know about Cultists in Assassin's Creed Odyssey. There’s at least one choice in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey that I wish I hadn’t made, where I wish I’d gone down a different path. Images of the Greek world flashed before her. After some hesitation, she reached out to touch her hand to the light. Legendary Armor Set List & Locations Guide, Achilles's Bow - How to Get & Weapon Stats, Unmasking & Killing Cultists - Tips & Guide. Identity of several members of this League can be revealed in late game; including the Sage leader, Pausanias, the current King of Sparta. It is unclear if Kassandra ultimately killed her or allowed her to carry out her dream for a better future for mankind.
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