Metagenomic and metatranscriptomic data available in public databases were selected to represent different types of geochemical redox gradients. Evaluating active microbial guilds in Baltic Sea sediment. U.S.A. 111, 5474–5479. Abbreviations for sample names are given in the Appendix. So a carbon attached to 4 carbons has an oxidation state of zero. Res. The highest known oxidation state is +9 in the tetroxoiridium (IX). This reaction involves the tin first being oxidised to tin(II) ions and then further to the preferred tin(IV) ions. For example, to form a lead(II) ion, lead will lose the two 6p electrons, but the 6s electrons will be left unchanged - an "inert pair". The oxidation state of +4 is where all these outer electrons are directly involved in the bonding. The metagenomics RAST server – a public resource for the automatic phylogenetic and functional analysis of metagenomes. To calculate oxidation number we need to understand and follow certain rules. Rev. Microbiol., 11 February 2019 Nucleic Acids Res. Thermodynamic calculations for relative potential for synthesis of DNA and proteins as a function of environmental oxidation-reduction conditions. What are free elements? What genomes have to say about the evolution of the Earth. The value of the oxidation state usually constitutes integers. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.14011, Fuchsman, C. A., Collins, R. E., Rocap, G., and Brazelton, W. J. Our observation of a correlation with biomolecular carbon oxidation state does not depend on the absolute correctness of these values, only on the redox gradient, which clearly becomes more oxidizing with greater seawater mixing. Nucleic acid FASTA files of unassembled reads were downloaded from the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) or the MG-RAST server (Meyer et al., 2008). Oceanogr. This systematic behavior is reversed in oceanic oxygen minimum zones, yielding strong negative correlations between biomolecular oxidation state and oxygen concentration with depth. So hydrogen should have In this paper, we use “oxidizing” and “reducing” to refer to environmental oxidation-reduction conditions, and “oxidized” and “reduced” to indicate the relative carbon oxidation states of biomolecules. Biol. The observation by Mende et al. Although the changes of ZC of DNA and RNA along redox gradients are to some extent correlated, some differences between them are apparent in Figure 2 and Figure S1. This is best shown in the fact that Sn2+ ions in solution are good reducing agents. Thicker red and blue lines are used to indicate the most extremely located samples. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-8123.2010.00277.x, Shock, E. L., and Boyd, E. S. (2015). Lemont, IL: Argonne National Laboratory. For stratified systems considered in this study, the only metagenomic dataset where the ZC of proteins does not increase at the surface is the Baltic Sea sediment (Figure 2B), but an increase can be detected in the metatranscriptomic data (Figure S2). Here, we document the changes in carbon oxidation state of metagenomic and metatranscriptomic sequences from datasets representing different types of geochemical redox gradients. Because geochemical and metagenomic analyses depend on different physical samples, there are limitations in comparing the two. The inert pair effect in the formation of covalent bonds. The relatively oxidizing surface zones of many environments often exhibit significant increases in biomolecular carbon oxidation state compared to regions just below the surface. So unlike metals, which are almost always in a positive oxidation state, the oxidation state of carbon can vary widely, from -4 (in CH4) to +4 … Average oxidation state of carbon in proteins. Heliyon 2:e00170. This yields another positive contribution to ZC of RNA that is greater at low GC content (solid blue line in Figure 1B). (2017). We calculated the average oxidation state of carbon (ZC) in biomolecular sequences obtained from different redox gradients. Limnol. rRNA gene calling was performed using the script, which depends on the SortMeRNA program (Kopylova et al., 2012). For example, carbon monoxide reduces many hot metal oxides to the metal - a reaction which is used, for example, in the extraction of iron in a blast furnace. us an oxidation state for oxygen of minus two. (A) Thermodynamic potential (chemical affinity) calculated for formation reactions of average monomer compositions of DNA (nucleotide monophosphate base pairs) and proteins (amino acids) at Bison Pool. 10, 173–179. Substituting ribose for deoxyribose contributes to increase the ZC of RNA by 0.2 over that of DNA, as indicated by the dashed blue line in Figure 1B. BMC Ecol. The oxidation state of an atom (sometimes referred to as the oxidation number) in a chemical compound provides insight into the number of electrons lost it and, therefore, describes the extent of oxidation of the atom. It is apparent that DNA and proteins from the samples closer to the source of the hot spring have a positive relative affinity at reducing conditions (low Eh), and those from the cooler, more oxidizing parts of the hot spring have a positive relative affinity at more oxidizing conditions (high Eh). However, for the Baltic Sea sediment (Figure 2A), the change in carbon oxidation state of metagenomic DNA is sharper and more likely associated with a paleoenvironmental transition. However, except for Sulfurimonas autotrophica in the Diffuse Vents, our data do not show significant species-level changes in the ZC of metagenomic DNA among different vent samples (Figures 5A,B). Microbiol. Acta 70, 4680–4724. Frequencies of amino acids in predicted proteins and base pairs in double-stranded DNA were retrieved from the processed metagenomic and metatranscriptomic data and were combined with standard Gibbs energies of amino acids (Dick et al., 2006) or +2 charged nucleotide monophosphates (LaRowe and Helgeson, 2006) at 25 °C to give an average per-monomer chemical formula and standard Gibbs energy of the biomacromolecules in each sample. Well hydrogen should be plus one, and we have four of them Oxidation state and oxidation number are terms frequently used interchangeably. Appl. As a metric derived from chemical composition, the oxidation state of carbon can be calculated not only for any individual organic molecule (Kroll et al., 2011), but also for complex natural mixtures of organic molecules (Kroll et al., 2015). There are two exceptions here. In other words, their oxidation state depends on what compound they are found in. Nealson, K. H., and Stahl, D. A. Selective degradation of extracellular low-ZC (AT-rich) DNA is an additional hypothesis that may explain the species-level trends, but requires confirmation of the extent of extracellular DNA represented in metagenomic data.

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