not c'est grande) The best way to master this and any other structure is to repeat it in a number of meaningful exercises, like the ones that you have below. Frederic Bibard is the founder of Talk in French, a company that helps french learners to practice and improve their french. / mortelle (sing. On the next page, you'll be able to practice French adjectives Address : 8 allée danton 94350 Villiers sur marne France, Too many rules? This also applies to adjectives where you double the consonant to change them  into their feminine form. Sign Up For A FREE Trial French Lesson On Skype And Get Instant Access To My French Pronunciation Crash Course. look at a special case of adjectives ending in -n In English, using multiple adjectives to describe one subject is quite simple: you just pile them up in a neat line based on an agreed order. How to form French adjectives (masculine, feminine, plural forms etc) In French, the form of an adjective potentially depends on the noun it corresponds with. The next question that begs to be answered is: Like other adjectives, do numerical adjectives need to “agree” with the nouns they describe? Cool becomes coolest to point out the level of awesomeness. Exceptions! As a plural, it is used to address more than one person. No wonder, they are ! Log in. Especially for a romantic language like French, inserting the right (fabulous!) Get feedback on your writing skills with essay exercises corrected by a native French speaker. The same goes for the. 3. Irregular adjectives words list and examples source: Collins Easy Learning French Grammar, Now that we have finished with the basic rules on how to make adjectives agree, as well as how to change them to their feminine forms, let’s look at. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. fem. (The man and his wife are generous.) 1. Another small group of adjectives could come BEFORE or AFTER the noun, but the meaning changes depending on where they are placed; and. ), Sweet: doux (sing. Note the accent on créatif and that in French, agressif is spelt with a single g. The coat is black Le parapluie est vert. If the adjectives ends in “-al ”, it becomes “-aux” in plural. fem. masc.) Lastly, there is also a small group of adjectives which can be placed before or after a noun and their meanings do not change. / rousse (sing. Note that one is still added in the feminine plural in French: there are a few cases where the simple rule of adding -s The majority of French adjectives are written in the plural by simply adding an -s to either than masculine or feminine form. Generally adjectives whose masculine form end in. Free Resources – Talk in French Free Library. made by applying rules to this basic form.1. pretty, cute, terrifying, awesome, amazing, enormous, blue, pale, heavy, grainy, soft, snappy, old-fashioned, scary. First, let's look at some complete examples. fem. Macaron addict. fem. The dress is white. [G] oodness:bon(ne) (good); mauvais(e) (bad,evil); gentil(lle) (kind) 4. For normal cases, just add -e to the masculine forme. La robe est blanche. is actually not enough. If a noun is plural, it has to have a plural adjective. So, if an adjective already has an "e" at the end, it does not have to be changed. As expected, the rule applies both in the singular and plural.So the French for creative girls would be des filles créatives: you change the -f to -ve and then add -s for the plural.  English-French dictionary, If the form we're about to add an ending masc.) This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. For numerical adjectives, the rule is: they come BEFORE the noun that they modify. fem. will still add an -s. So this gives the following forms: It's worth taking a moment now to read through the above and make sure you've understood it. Conjugating adjectives in French is crucial. masc.) Some adjectives do not change their form whether they are masculine or feminine. For example, the word, Simply adding -s to the masculine or feminine adjective will make it plural. Having to make words agree with each other could seem headache-inducing to newbies in French. French adjectives beau, fou, mou, nouveau, and vieux have very irregular feminine forms as well as a special form used only for certain masculine nouns. Choose from 500 different sets of and french masculine masculine feminine adjectives plural flashcards on Quizlet. Here are the rules that you need to apply: Adding ” -s” to the adjective. / sotte (sing. These ‘extra’ masculine adjectives are reserved only to be used when describing words that begin with a vowel or those that begin with an ‘h’. and fem. Normally, all you need to do is to add ” s” to the adjective in the singular. Adjectives are words which describe a subject and answer the question: The main difference between English and French adjectives are: The changes in form. The jacket is blue.

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