Request a call back to talk to our professional accountant. Help us make things better. Under the authority of maximum vehicle weight and dimension regulations are established for … For more information, please see Class 1-4 medical standards. “They’re such an important part of us surviving now, and they’re not getting enough credit for that,” she said. The third option is to arrange equipment through lease to buy programs. To assist the trucking industry and its drivers, the Saskatchewan Trucking Association (STA) has created the Trucker’s Meal and Accommodations Guide.The resource lists businesses in Saskatchewan where truckers can conveniently access takeout food, washrooms, showers and basic comforts. Õ¸ÌLôf‹}ì-ÓWÇğ˜z ?6ZqL@SyZȤ“MI)T.…+1/�¦/—¨�¹Ä¹\¹±³¸u#çúËåÊÜyèÜáïû{õyóÏ]>¬àáuîîáúÕ9õóôuå÷íÃß~÷ğˆw|sÕ¥)îš�vúm7ÜY®pJ¶'e[‹g`‚â–KhŒgJR�)dÓºh®Ù$uúQ½%‹¤,W‡=Ù;”èPØğ¸êO'm��w °èŒY:‰¢•ÊºšU‡ûñTƒ¦õ¬Ö–XHğïex›¼nŒ(áªÌŞd ªÂJwN�â‡LkH6›Â
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All our coronavirus-related news can always be found here: The Regina Travel Centre has also upped how many fresh food items it is making to give truckers more options. Smokin’ Okies in Regina is also helping out by offering free delivery anywhere in Regina to truck drivers. All Husky convenience stores, washrooms and shower facilities are also staying open, said Kim Guttormson, who does communications for Husky Energy, in an emailed statement. A practical guide to paid CDL training. C-TPAT or the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism is a security program run by the US Customs and Border To improve the security of the trade industry with respect to terrorism. 'Driving our economy:' Sask. To help with that, we have several reporters looking at different aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic and are gathering all our stories, especially as they relate to life in Regina and Saskatchewan, together on our website. SGI – Driving with air brakes safely and responsibly – Air Brake Manual. “You don’t have access to the building, period, with a lot of the customers … We’re sitting at a dock for sometimes an hour, two hours, and they have the access to the facility closed right off,” he said. In case of a difference in interpretation between the translated version and the laws and regulations governing Saskatchewan drivers and vehicles, the laws and regulations prevail. The proposed route would have trucks continue along the Regina Bypass to Highway 11 and get to point of entry which are primarily the industrial area on the McDonald Street exit on Ring Road or Rochdale Crossing. I talked to an Ontario Trucker back around 2002 or 03 who claimed Oil patch drivers in Alberta and Sask truck … Please remember that if you're thinking of becoming a truck driver, you must now pre-qualify in order to obtain commercial driving privileges. CRST training, costs, accomodations, orientation, pay, contract and more. Tim Horton’s also said in a news release on Thursday that 400 of its locations along major highways across the country would have washrooms and front counter service available for truckers. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Saskatchewan trucking firms wishing to qualify as an approved firm under the Long Haul Truck Driver Project must simultaneously apply to the SINP and Service Canada. Darrell Wrishko, a driver with Bison Transport, said it has been “quite a challenge to find some washrooms.”. It is advised to contact the concerned local authority as rules and regulations may differ from one province to another. If more details are required, please call the telephone numbers on the back of this guide. Read more about cookies here. But as quickly as truckers began noticing the challenge across the province, Saskatchewan’s businesses stepped up to fill the gap. The US Department of transportation (DOT) assigns you with a unique number that is used to collect and monitor your company’s safety information, inspections, crash investigations. The next issue of Regina Leader Post Headline News will soon be in your inbox. Trucking company can be a lucrative business with good business sense. At Purewal & Associates, we provide accounting, taxation and business consulting services to the trucking industry and can assist you in setting up your trucking operations in Canada. Reference and review guide to CRST trucking school + company. SGI is not responsible for any errors or omissions as a result of the translation. In Canada, regulations governing commercial vehicles, drivers and carriers are based on the Canadian National Safety Code (NSC) standards – minimum performance standards, applying to all persons responsible for the safe operation of commercial vehicles. Understanding your experience with us is important. Government of Saskatchewan (Start a Business) ISC (Register a Business or Incorporate) SGI (Commercial Carriers and Trucking): Helps you with standards and regulations, international registration, guides and manuals, permits, medical reports, inspections and more. It contains information about driver’s licence qualifications, how to be a safe driver and many other important subjects that will assist you in passing your tests. The FAST Card is available to drivers through enrollment centers located at major border crossings and offices throughout Canada. Shirley Wagman, who does marketing at the restaurant, said they wanted to help out as soon as they heard truckers were having a hard time getting food. He said the time variant is not very high at all. Many drivers who travel longer distances are also struggling to find places they can grab a bite to eat since restaurants have had to close their dining rooms because of government restrictions. “We’ve even had drivers try to pay us for the service, and we just won’t accept it.
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