I hope this is not a silly question.
2. On Oct. 22, HHS announced that lost revenues should be defined as the difference between a provider’s actual patient care REVENUE in CY 2019 vs. CY […] CY is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms The Free Dictionary FCL is short term of Full Container Loaded / LCL Low Container Loaded means cargo is consolidated.
This term is new for me, and I’m new to the system myself but most shipments come in DDP, DAP, EXW.
Please am new here who can help me with this question…in CIF term is it the shipper that is responsible for the custom duty payment at the discharge port ?
Hi Maan, CY/CY does not mean that the THC’s are included in the freight rate.. THC would be covered if the line quotes basis Liner Out..
x��k�������S ��$Y�-_l��[�w@$����I�Eɩ��;3��.��tv� �H����{f�n^�)�X__%179�O��Sr�{��Ҋ�*��a*��\1!�D�]y}��/�WFҁ��/l ilz�瑨�oﯯn^q&|�������̢�v����w��{}}�˄E�a�������Hl� e�b$��eʄ�s�P��w"�Sӳw�+�s�c2'9�S�6��X�>g�`)��c�ˆ�I�G�R {{ Feedback, The World's most comprehensive professionally edited abbreviations and acronyms database, Communications Yeoman (naval signals rating). Difference between Demurrage and Detention.
For the FY 2022 payment determination, one quarter of eCQM data from CY 2019 (1Q 2019, 2Q 2019, 3Q 2019 or 4Q 2019) will be validated for selected hospitals.
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CY to Door : assumed from Seller’s CY to Consignee Door.
In some cases in the body of a bill of lading you might have seen a notation CY/CY or in the Port of Loading or Port of Discharge fields in the bill of lading, you might have seen this added after the name of the port, like so (Durban CY)..
In some ports around the world THC or THD is collected directly by the ports and in most cases by the line.. Pls also read https://www.shippingandfreightresource.com/what-exactly-is-the-liner-out-charge-shipping-lines-are-quoting-this-for-cargo-to-west-africa/.
Thank you, Hello Donna, there is no such thing as a silly question here.. We are all here to learn (including me – I learn a lot while answering questions of my readers)..
This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. CY 2019 or “2019 calendar year” means the twelve month period commencing on January 1, 2019 and ending December 31, 2019.
Examples: NFL,
Thanks for that,
Hello Francisco, generally House Bills of Lading are issued for FCL/FCL containers when the shipment is controlled by a freight forwarder (either directly or at the request of the client) and that forwarder wants to keep the actual shipper/consignee information from being known to the shipping line or other outside parties.. "global warming"
CY: Cyberspace: CY: Cyclophosphamide: CY: Children and Youth: CY: Cubic Yard: CY: Container Yard: CY: Chinese Yuan: CY: Current Yield (finance) CY: Cryptology: CY: Cyprus Airways Ltd (IATA airline code) CY: Chief Yoeman (rank; US Navy) CY: Cyber Yugoslavia: CY: Challenge for Youth (Northern Ireland) CY: Commonwealth Year (TV show Andromeda) CY: Communications Yeoman (naval signals rating) Find out what is the full meaning of CY on Abbreviations.com! With regard to your CY/CY blog, would you clarify something please?
Notify me of follow-up comments by email. If you can’t find what you are looking for, enter the search term in the search bar below (and hit enter).
Legal carrier responsibility is determined by governing law (Hamburg Rules, COGSA, HAGUE & VISBY Rules etc).
CY is short for 'Container Yard', which is where containers are stored on the terminal or dry port before they are loaded or offloaded from a ship.
Hi Mohamed, it depends on the ports and also some of the terms of shipping.. 'Cyprus' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and …
I understand the term description you have given, however, I have been given another definition stating ‘ the CY is the delivery (or receipt) of a whole container from (or at) the shippers or the forwarders (or the c./nees) cargo yard or premises” and it continues ‘ CY/CY broadly means that the whole container received by the carrier is packed at the shippers or the forwarders premises, and the delivery of that same whole container to the c/nees premises’ – this indicates that receipt of FCL is taken at the shippers yard and delivered to the c/nee yard, taking it way beyond the boundaries of the Port container yard. as they would likely have responsibility before the Port CY ?
These calendar divisions are used by publicly-traded companies to schedule the release of financial reports and the payment of stock dividends. This 300th blog post (in case you didn’t notice the big image on the left) is in response to a Question from a reader (Abhishek).. CY stands for Container Yard.. Container Yard is a place within a port or terminal where containers are stored before it is loaded on the ship in the case of exports or offloaded from the ship in the case of imports.. I will discard it.
<>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 17 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 5 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>>
If … Say you are handling an in-bond transit shipment. ʿ1k�X�U��%{��s� c�؇��w���%��F��_h�oA#�VnJ�}��0�F�yޖS����Dh/�W?r���.� What is CY-CY Term in Container Shipping..?? Does it have a different meaning for a forwarder than for an ocean carrier? Thanks again to know about HBL issue from reading in the loop of this discussion.
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Thank you. © 1988-2020,
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I cannot believe that something so large and complex is actually automated. Could you please explain to me: In the Term FI/FO, where is the responsibility of a carrier begins and ends ? CY: Cymraeg (Welsh, ISO 639 language code) CY: Cyberspace: CY: Cyclophosphamide: CY: Children and Youth: CY: Cubic Yard: CY: Container Yard: CY: Chinese Yuan: CY: Current Yield (finance) CY: Cryptology: CY: Cyprus Airways Ltd (IATA airline code) CY: Chief Yoeman (rank; US Navy) CY: Cyber Yugoslavia: CY: Challenge for Youth (Northern Ireland) CY: Commonwealth Year (TV show Andromeda) CY
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have different definitions of incoterms. : Quarters used in the CMS electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) data validation process are from a single calendar year.
I really hate all these acronyms and jargon that people steep in their particular corporate culture like to use. Legal carrier responsibility is determined by governing law (Hamburg Rules, COGSA, HAGUE & VISBY Rules etc). Last month, the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) again revised the definition of “lost revenues” which Provider Relief Fund (PRF) funding may be used to offset. In CIF terms the seller has no obligation to clear the goods for import, or pay any import duty or carry out any import customs formalities.. Trust this helps.. Hi KAI, hi guys, interesting post here, I just have a question to be cleared out finally for me pls..I want to export some goods, my offer should include delivery of the goods to the shipping line, THC of the origin port, sea fright cost and insurance , but I want to charge the THC of the destination port to the buyer :
In 2019, costs to PBMs and/or part D sponsors will be $9.3 million Negligible costs beyond that (d) Physician Incentive Plan Estimated to save $204.6 million in required reinsurance in 2019, rising to $281.8 million in 2023 B. If you have or know any shipping and freight related videos that you think might be useful to everyone, please do share or let me know the URL (the website address).. Looking for the definition of CY?
While on the subject of container yard, please have a look at below mind blowing video of automated container yard operations.. PS : You might feel a bit antiquated after watching this video.. . Looking for online definition of CY or what CY stands for? Thanks.. Hariesh Manaadiar, the term CY/CY is clear for me unfortunately the CY/SD is not clear for me. STANDS4 LLC, 2020. I’ve noticed that different locations (ie; BWI,SFO etc.)
can you please explain this CY/SD? Thanks in advance. Microsoft says Windows XP Service Pack 3 will be out in 1H CY2008. 3 definitions of CY. All contents of the lawinsider.com excluding publicly sourced documents are Copyright © 2013-, Yield Supplement Overcollateralization Amount, Class A-1 Final Scheduled Distribution Date.
I understand the concept of FCL / LCL <>
These are some of the recommended reading from among the hundreds of articles on this site.. © 2008-2020 || All rights reserved || Hariesh Puthan House -, Port of Loading or Port of Discharge fields in the bill of lading, https://www.shippingandfreightresource.com/what-exactly-is-the-liner-out-charge-shipping-lines-are-quoting-this-for-cargo-to-west-africa/, The hazards of Ammonium Nitrate and 100 years of related disasters.
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1 – Container to be delivered to a rail terminal. w ��P�V��k-P��_� �f,5���#���h*'�b�)�V���鄽�Y$���U4��?�~�ɟ�a*b1��M9_����还,6��{,1������L�81�����-{[!��?g��7�-��fI߉������l���EAz{,��/�ɕ����&��F"q9���7�e]>��`��e���Z�χ�I��`y��>�6R�xU���\��FzR���o�p%xV6�q�W��6TV{�Zn�����hG��`���� [�-i�J��2�/�J5���R���"r�%q�PJ��(��ٗ���k4� �)5"�&�i>��&ٟM���W��Qk��/�f������'Y,O���|��!%�i�umɥ��e+�`"J' ���1�xr�� ט�V~����OPQ��ׄZAq�$,�7�f����u�Xr�n+�c�]��"$1q����c|�{��3�MM�L��Q>)w�u�FY��/�pH�"���>��p�>������Q���3�UeI»J�7ΏX��9���{��aQR
There were 1,669 comments received. How can the Bond Fee be calculated? Digitalisation of Chinese Freight Industry – research report, Fonterra completes first blockchain trade transaction using Wave’s BL.
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Why the Shipping liners Refuse the Responsibility of cointaners FCL/CY here in somalia if they is any Short land cargo Please help me to understand?Who will be resposible if they is any a shortland cargo? We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. endobj
What is a Switch Bill of Lading and when and why is it used..??
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