Failure of the logger to comply with the SRA amounts to an infraction and should result in the nullification of the grant of timber rights (TUC). Asibe, part of you is made up of “Odum” tree, part “Onyina” tree…. Drumming at appropriate intervals has the following functions: (i) They make the listeners relax after the day’s hard work. Each stool or skin or clan in Ghana has its praise appellation.
CITES species must be covered by a special export permit issued by the Timber Industry Development Division of the Ghanaian Forestry Commission.
In some communities, no dirges are allowed when the body is being taken to the cemetery.
SRA Fulfilment: Communities are required to demand the fulfilment of the SRA as agreed and signed. These things will help us to gain more self-control.
[4] Natural regeneration of the tree is poor and because large numbers of trees are being felled each year, its future for commercial timber production is in doubt. After the burial, singing of dirges can continue for at least three days.
(FSC, august 2018). Ground rent fees: annual rent, meaning the fee levied or paid per hectare per annum to the owner or landlord for the exercise of timber rights on his piece of land as specified in the contract. While this project focuses on the northern Savannah zone as a key area in need, it also involves community planting sessions in the Brong Ahafo and Ashanti regions of southern Ghana, as well as the Central and Eastern regions. Woody Plants of Western African Forests. Early 2018, the National Working Group Ghana, with the support of UK DFID, completed a study titled ‘Migrating from FLEGT VPA to PEFC Certification in Ghana: an overview of PEFC and FLEGT VPA synergy’. Milicia regia is one of two trees known as "odum" in Ghana, the other being the closely related Milicia excelsa.
Then, the audience will respond, ‘Kadi yaa be ka be’ (as it has lived to be).
She paces up and down the funeral ground. Before he presents the story, the audience sings one of two “mmoguo” (folk-songs) to arouse their interest and to focus their attention on the presentation of the story. As many women as are moved by the loss can sing dirges.
The TIDD is the designated licensing authority under the VPA. Trunk of iroko / African teak, Milicia excelsa (Chlorophora Excelsa) in Lawachara National Park, Bangladesh. Examples of some objects and animals are the sharpener, the axe, two-edged sharp knife, stones, trees, lion, leopard, and shark. In Ewe folktales, he is known as ‘Yiyi,’ in Akan “Kwaku Ananse” and in Ga, “Ananwu.” This is why our folktales are referred to in Akan as “Ananse stories.” How do you call folktales in your community?
These ports have good connections to the hinterland by road. 2. As a major component of the LAS, the Wood Tracking System incorporates a traceability control system which monitors timber, starting in the forest and continuing through the entire production chain. Additionally, the contractor should complete a Log Information Form (LIF), which ensures that all logs after cross-cutting are numbered and which provides the link between the tree information on the TIF and the Log measurement and conveyance certificate (LMCC).
In the past, people met in the evenings especially in the moonlight to listen to stories. Other Akan communities will say, ‘Abra abra,’ with the response ‘Yon’ or ‘Kodzi, wonngye nndzi o,’ with the response, “wogye sie” (We do not hide stories, response: we keep it.) Such lessons educate us about what is right or wrong. Apart from these reserves approximately 500 thousand hectares of unreserved forests as well as a further 2 million hectares of crop land also produce timber (Ghana – EU, 2012). [13], The tree is feared in some cultures where it originates and hence is shunned or revered with offerings. With a remarkable 80% of Ghanaians depending on forests for their livelihoods, deforestation has a major impact on communities.
Compensation Negotiation & Payment: The potential TUC holder is required to identify, engage and negotiate with farmers whose lands will be affected by the timber logging operations on compensation. Identification of TUC Area: This is done by the FC in consultation with the District Chief Executive (DCE) of the district(s) concerned. It grows in the high forest zone, in savanna woodland, and in valleys and riverside habitats, but it needs well-drained soil. Most important of all, the dirge is sung in honor of the deceased person. Among most communities, the narration of stories could be interrupted with singing of folk-songs, and clapping of hands.
As can be observed from the graph below the exports of primary and secondary products account for 97% to the export of wood products, while more high-end (tertiary) products account only for 3,5% of these exports. A registered property mark shall expire after a period of six months commencing from 1st January and is renewable after every six months. Operational plans for the Timber Utilisation Contract (TUC) areas are prepared by the contracting companies which outlines timber harvesting standards and specifications for operations such as road and bridge construction, felling, skidding and log markings and approved by the Forest Service Division. This is the common name for the genus Milicia, in which there are two recognized species, which are closely related: Milicia excelsa and Milicia regia. Before timber rights are issued, a written consent should come from the land owners. The Ministry of Lands and Natural Resource (MLNR) has over-all responsibility for sector planning and policy direction for monitoring and evaluation of development policies and programs. This tree is believed to be a god and worshiped by traditionalist in most ghana and african communities.It can talk!!
These morals and social standards of society are seen in our folktales. When people are ready to listen to a story, they gather together and sit in a semicircle.
To reverse this trend, Ghana's government is focused on improving land management, planting trees, and protecting forests.
Iroko (also known as ọ́jị̀ in Igbo language, 'uloho' in the Urhobo language of Southern Nigeria, and as odum in the Kwa languages of Ghana) is a large hardwood tree from the west coast of tropical Africa that can live up to 500 years. Proof of registration as commercial business in Ghana. The Forestry Commission (FC) has overall responsibility for forests and wildlife management in Ghana. Let us now look at the functions of the folktale which the Akan call ‘Akanse’ stories, the Ewe, ‘gli,’ the Ga, ‘adesa,’ and the Wali, ‘h’lima.”. People used folktales to entertain themselves in the past and they still do. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority.
Follow the van as we road trip to California!
When we behave like Ananse we are likely to suffer.
There are a myriad reasons given for why it happened. However, the management of all forest resources including timber harvesting rights are administered by the Forestry Commission for benefit of the land owners.
All trees are Vascular plants.
The timber from both trees is known as " iroko " and is used in construction, joinery, furniture making and the creation of mortars for grinding food. To make the story interesting, the story-teller uses facial expressions, changes in the voice, the hands, the feet, and all parts of his body. All prospective buyers of timber and wood products are required to officially register with TIDD for processing and issuance of Buyers Registration Certificate.
(c) Examples of Appellations from Some Communities, (Anlo who do not say things in straightforward language for people to understand.
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