In the third of a three-part series, we ask community pharmacists which changes they want to retain. The COVID-19 pandemic is putting a lot of additional pressure on an already underfunded community pharmacy sector, resulting in many pharmacies closing down. Some parts of the site may not work properly if you choose not to accept cookies. Editor-in-Chief Editorial Board. Can pharmacies deliver the ‘biggest flu vaccination campaign in history’? Clinical Pharmacy. Are pharmacy teams being protected against COVID-19? Most people recover from COVID-19 within two weeks; however, early figures show that around 10% of people are still unwell after three weeks, and a smaller proportion are sick for months. About this journal. Clinical Pharmacy High Impact List of Articles PPts Journals 3784. Special report: Getting a good pre-registration placement, Special report: Treating common minor ailments in the pharmacy, ONtrack - Pharmacy revision for preregistration trainees, Pharmacy Knowledge – Digital learning for students, Pharmacy reference and learning resources, Scottish National Pharmacy Board meetings, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire (Sir Gaerfyrddin), Pharmacist contributions to consultant-led post-take ward rounds: a service evaluation, Community pharmacist-led influenza vaccination: a service evaluation, Evaluation of a pharmacist-led virtual thiopurine clinic, Evaluating pharmacist interventions using the Simpler tool in Malaysian patients with type 2 diabetes, Interchangeability of biosimilars: a global perspective for pharmacists, 'It motivates me to know we can make a difference to patients’ lives' – a day in the life of a medical affairs head, ‘We ensure that the website and mobile applications are safe for users’ — a day in the life of a clinical risk manager, Five ways pharmacists can prepare for an online job interview, 'I have developed good working relationships with my patients beyond their diagnosis' – a day in the life of a renal pharmacist, Transatlantic pharmacy: what to consider if you want to work in Canada, ‘My role is a mix of both clinical and quality improvement initiatives’ — a day in the life of a primary care network pharmacist, RPS Scotland policy sets out how pharmacists can support people with mental health conditions, Clare Morrison: ‘I honestly think this is the most exciting role in pharmacy in Scotland’, RPS Wales and Scotland publish manifestos ahead of 2021 devolved parliamentary elections, RPS launches consultant pharmacist credentialing programme, Medicines substitutions in supermarket home deliveries put customers at risk, RPS warns, Ten things pharmacists should know about COVID-19 vaccines, Everything you need to know about the COVID-19 therapy trials, Everything you should know about the coronavirus outbreak, Everything you need to know about pharmacy foundation training, 'I could barely function' – the devastating effects of long COVID, The new abnormal: vulnerable patients hit by pharmacy closures, Stuck in the 1950s: why UTI diagnosis badly needs an update, The COVID-19 vaccines being backed by the UK and when we might get them. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username. All our journals are available online via , the essential information resource with over 16 million articles and other content. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V.
In-depth articles on ongoing issues within the world of pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences and drug discover from The Pharmaceutical Journal, the official publication of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society . Female part-time pharmacists earn more than males, government figures show, Pharmacist Manager (4 Day Week) - No Weekends, Pharmaceutical Journal Jobs Terms and Conditions, Pharmaceutical Journal Subscription Terms and Conditions. Experts say it is now time for a national “de-labelling” drive to help conserve vital antibiotics. Home; Editorial Panel. There has been a surge in demand for gender identity services in the UK over the past five years. pharmaJournal 6-7 / 2019 pharmaJournal. In response, researchers are working on three major strategies to help reduce its spread and maintain susceptibility to antibiotics. Cookie policy: This site uses cookies (small files stored on your computer) to simplify and improve your experience of this website. What role can pharmacy play in the social prescribing revolution? The prime minister has said that he will put a “tiger in the tank” of Brexit talks, but what should the pharmacy profession look out for in any deal that is eventually agreed? Early View articles are complete full-text articles published online in advance of their publication in a printed issue. The number of social prescribing staff has more than doubled in the past year, but pharmacy has yet to engage with schemes that can help patients with their wellbeing. Journals in Pharma Elsevier is home to many highly respected journals in the field, including prestigious society titles. More than 18 months of hormone replacement therapy product shortages have had a drastic impact on the lives of people who rely on them, but nobody seems to know why they are happening. *Publisher statement - Royal Pharmaceutical Society membership data - January 2019. Once production of your article has started, you can track the status of your article via Track Your Accepted Article. The whole of the NHS is gearing up for what ministers call the “biggest flu vaccination programme in history”, but it is still unclear what role community pharmacy will be able to play. The vast majority of people with a penicillin allergy label are, in fact, not allergic, leading to significant healthcare implications. Home Publications Conferences Register Contact. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy is affiliated with the European Society of Clinical Pharmacy (ESCP). The latest information about the novel coronavirus identified in Wuhan, China, and advice on how pharmacists can help concerned patients and the public. Keep in touch with the world of pharmacy and medicines with our app, at home, at work and on the move. Want to keep up with the latest news, comment and CPD articles in pharmacy and science? For 50 years it has been practitioner-focused and dedicated to the promotion of best practices and medication safety. Researchers around the world are working at record speed to find the best ways to treat and prevent COVID-19, from investigating the possibility of repurposing existing drugs to searching for novel therapies against the virus. Careers - Terms and Conditions - Privacy Policy. Incidence of sexually transmitted infections is increasing and antimicrobial resistance is adding fuel to the fire, particularly in the case of gonorrhoea. Search results for Clinical Pharmacy. This journal is moving to a new publisher for 2021 and authors should now refer to the following author guidelines: Cookie policy: This site uses cookies (small files stored on your computer) to simplify and improve your experience of this website. However, there are no guarantees and some of the strategies are not without their challenges. Community pharmacy is providing a vital connection to support older and clinically vulnerable patients during lockdown in the UK. Help expand a public dataset of research that support the SDGs. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a huge challenge, but it has revolutionised pharmacy practice in some positive ways. Government impact assessment of pharmacy contract warned it could cause closures, Pharmacies will ‘struggle’ to serve patients if NHS Test and Trace fails to look at individual cases, warns negotiator, Pre-registration assessment to be delayed until first quarter of 2021, regulator confirms, Eye disorders: understanding the causes, symptoms and management, An update on the management of chronic hepatitis B and C infection.
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